Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Anatomy Academy

The Anatomy Academy

In September Genuine Chiropractic and DiviniTree Yoga & Arts Studio are co-presenting an anatomy course for yoga teachers.
The class will be half lecture and half hands-on. Each week a different area of the body will be focused on with power point presentation and workshop partner activities to solidify that day’s lesson.
Our goal is to  help yoga teachers in the Santa Barbara community better serve their students by having a better understanding of human anatomy and physiology. We will teach specific “red flags” so that teachers feel comfortable knowing when to send a student to a healthcare professional.

Dates for the classes:
Saturday, September 6
Saturday, September 13
Saturday, September 20
Saturday, September 27

All classes will be held in the Sun Room in the front of DiviniTree and take place from 2 – 4pm.

$30 / class
$100/ entire series

Registration can be made by calling 805.285.2712 or stopping by the Genuine Chiropractic office located behind DiviniTree, just off the courtyard, at 25 E. De La Guerra, Santa Barbara, CA 93101.

To learn more about this fun, interactive workshop please visit www.genuinechiro.com

We look forward to serving you!

Dr. Elizabeth Wisniewski

Saturday, August 9, 2014


Subluxation is a misalignment in the spinet is putting pressure or stress on the nerve. The spinal nerves branch out, creating the nervous system, which controls every organ, tissue, and all 70 trillion cells in the body. It only takes the weight of a dime (5mm Hg) to cause pressure on the nerve reducing its flow to cells, tissues, and organ like the heart or lungs.
When subluxations are left in the spine for days, weeks, months, years, and sometimes even decades a degenerate process will occur in the spine. First dysfunction occurs which is closely followed by dis-ease. Next, a disease state will set in and eventually cell death. Often Western medicine and healthcare will intervene somewhere between disease and death however in chiropractic we like to be more preventative with our approach to health care and seek to remove the cause of disease before disease can ever manifest.
There are 3 causes for spinal subluxation: trauma, toxins, and thoughts.
Trauma: Birth, car accident, slip and fall, repetitive motion like typing or improper alignment during yoga practice or exercise.
Toxins: Standard American Diet, GMO food, pharmaceutical drugs, synthetic vitamins, air and water pollution.
Thoughts: Stress, anxiety, depression, and negative thought patterns.

Genuine Chiropractic is dedicated to find the root cause of your pain, immobility, disease by palpating and adjusting spinal subluxations. We will provide you with specific take home stretches and other lifestyle choices that will support your chiropractic care. We also have a long list of community partners that are ready to serve you with tremendous knowledge and skills as your journey toward optimum health. Thank you for taking this important step to living a healthier lifestyle and to cultivating Vitalism in your life and our community.