Saturday, October 20, 2012

Doctored- Get Informed!

This week I viewed the documentary ‘Doctored’ (formally known as ‘Medical Inc). It begins and ends talking about chiropractic and the American Medical Association’s “committee on quackery” and their “contain and eliminate” campaign. Yes, that is right, the AMA conspired to eliminate the chiropractic profession. This resulted in a 14 year long lawsuit that the chiropractors WON!

Here are some other health related  documentary films I recommend
*Food Inc
* King Corn
* Food Matters
* Forks Over Knives
* Sweet Misery
* The Greater Good
* Burzynski
·         Supersize me
·         Fat Sick and Nearly Dead
·         Fast-food Nation
·         Cut, Poison, Burn

Upcoming Films
·          Life, Adjusted

The first step to improving your life and your health is through education. The information is out there, you just have to see through the haze of the pharmaceutical commercials and genetically modified food crisscrossing our landscape. The films listed above are all eye opening documentaries into our food supply, fast food, vaccines and cancer treatment. It is truly what is considered health care in the United States. The United States spends more than any other country, in the world, on health care but we are ranked#47 in the world in terms of overall health. This does not make any sense! It is time to move from sick care to a true health care model, chiropractic can and will lead the way into this paradigm shift.

Resources For Health Articles
·         All Things Healing
·         Mercola
·         Natural News
·         Natural Society

·         Environmental Working Group
·         Cornucopia Institute
·         Green Med Info

Get informed and make the BEST decisions possible for your family! All of the pages above have daily or weekly newsletters that will provide you with accurate health news and assist you in making health related decisions.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Don't Be Haunted By a Weak Skeleton

With Halloween just around the corner, images of skeletons are everywhere. Since health is a process, not an event, do you have any health related “skeletons in your closet”? Do not wait to the new year to make a change in your life, now is a perfect time to be mindful of your health and take  some time to think about your own skeleton.  The skeleton protects your organs, stores essential minerals and is made up of 206 bones which are rigid levers used in locomotion. The bones also contain marrow where blood and stem cells are made. Take a minute to reflect and answer this question: Is your skeleton as healthy and strong as it could be?

The terms Osteopenia and Osteoporosis are often used interchangeably in our society. There is, however, a difference in these two conditions. Osteopenia is a thinning in bone mass and is considered a risk factor for the development of Osteoporosis. This does not mean that if you have Osteopenia you are destine to have Osteoporosis. It simply means that you are at a higher risk than someone who has normal bone mass. Osteoporosis literally means “porous bones”. It is a loss in the bone’s protein and minerals, most notably, Calcium. Osteoporosis occurs more commonly in females, particularly in the five to seven years following menopause. It is a growing public health concern and responsible for approximately 1.5 million fractures annually in the United States. Primary osteoporosis is the most common form and is essentially an acceleration of the normal breaking down and rebuilding process, of bone,  that naturally occurs throughout life. Other factors that can lead to this condition include medications, smoking, alcohol abuse, long term corticosteroid use and most commonly age. Furthermore, a diet that is not diverse in fruits and vegetables can lead to deficiencies in important minerals like Magnesium which are critical for healthy bones.

When you are younger, you are building more bone than you are resorbing. The skeleton reaches maximum bone mass in the 30s. This is why it is so important to perform weight bearing exercises from a young age in order to build as much bone as possible. Weight bearing exercise is the best way to insure strong and healthy bones in later years. It is much easier to build bone when you are younger than to try and  build it after a diagnosis of one of these conditions or even worse… after a fracture.

Tips For a Healthy Skeleton
·         Calcium” This is an extremely important mineral and needed for strong bones. Green vegetables are a natural way to get calcium.
·         Vitamin D: This vitamin is needed for the body to absorb calcium. Moderate sun exposure allows the body to synthesize Vitamin D. This is best because the body has a natural feedback loop and stops producing it when it reaches the optimal level.
·         Gluten: This protein is found in many grains and can hinder the absorption of calcium. Decreasing grain in your diet such as most breads is an excellent health choice.
·         Dairy: Contrary to belief dairy is not the answer to building strong bones.
·         Diversity in your diet: Eating a rich diet of fruits and vegetables insures that you are getting natural sources of Vitamin K, A and C. These all play important roles in the natural remodeling process of bone. Try to eat the colors of the rainbow each day.

Above, are general tips and lifestyle changes that may help with the prevention and the treatment of Osteopenia and Osteoporosis. No matter your age or bone mass status, today is a great day to take action to not only build bone but to maintain the bone you have!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Power of Human Touch

By Elizabeth M. Wisniewski BA, CMT, Chiropractic Intern, ATH Co-editor of Chiropractic

Recently, while writing in my gratitude journal, I wrote “I am grateful for my handswhich allow me to see and help people heal themselves,” As a chiropractor, hands are the greatest tools you have. They must be strong, protected, healthy and respected. As someone who is VI my hands are even more important to me. I literally use them to see the world around me. Like hearing and sense of smell my sense of touch (palpation) has been greatly enhanced with the loss of my vision. I see this as the purpose behind the loss of my vision. I do not think that if I could see normally that I would be graduating next month as a DC. Although there are many struggles I am grateful to have lost my vision in order to have found my calling to be a chiropractor.

How Human Touch Reduces Stress

Chiropractors jump start the healing process in their patients and practice members when they place their hands on them to palpate the spine. This palpation takes place over the spine, on the largest organ…the skin. Underneath the skin are pressure receptors called, “Pacinian Corpuscles “which signal back to the brain. This in return signals the Vagus nerve (the tenth cranial nerve commonly referred to as “the wanderer”) which then tells the heart to slow down. This is one way that human touch alone can help people to calm down during stressful situations like going to the doctor’s office.1 Since most chiropractors use their hands to adjust the spine, they are more likely than other doctors to stimulate the pressure receptors under the skin.

Another affect of friendly touch is the release of Oxytocin. This helps to decrease stress. Studies from England show that the same areas in the brain that are activated when you eat something pleasurable like sweets light up during a hug or therapeutic massage. This area is located above the eyes and is called the Orbital Frontal Cortex. 1 This evidence shows that touch, like chocolate, is perceived in the brain’s pleasure centers and helps people feel more at ease. 

Oxytocin is produced in the blood and  the deep nerve centers of the brain . This allows it to have an immediate impact on the body during times of stress. Although it lowers the “fight or flight” response (sympathetic nervous system) it also is believed to help make better decisions during these times. For example, it may help you sort out your response during a fight and save you from a physical altercation. Besides human contact, swimming in warm water, exercise and eye contact can stimulate Oxytocin in the body. These are all activities that have been lost in recent years with the increase in technology, social media and 24/7 news. These advances along with a increasingly sedentary lifestyle have people more stressed out and results in decrease levels of Oxytocin. 2

Further studies have shown that human touch from a loved one or a health care practitioner have similar impact on a person in pain. Human touch has been shown to reduce not only stress but also decrease pain levels, increase wound healing, and decrease anxiety, It has also been beneficial in autoimmune diseases and cancer treatment. 3

Overall, patients are more satisfied with chiropractors when compared with medical doctors. The studies show that 83% of adults in the United States who have visited a DC are very satisfied and this is because of the chiropractor’s ability to discuss health problems and show empathy.4The May 2009 issue of ‘Consumer Reports’ show that chiropractors  and other hands on health care providers are rated much higher than general practitioners (MDs).5 Patients and practice members spend more time with their chiropractor, see them more often than their GP, and chiropractors address the cause of the problem.

Personally, I believe , that this high satisfaction is also due to the laying on of hands by the chiropractor. How many times have you visited your GP and they never look or palpate the area that is bothering you? Patients tell me often that they have been to their MD and they never looked or touched their back, where they were experiencing pain. Although back pain is often diffuse, patients automatically feel better when the health care provider at least acknowledges that there is something wrong with them and that they will get to the root cause of the problem.  This is why a DC is also a Doctor of Cause! Chiropractors look to the spine for the cause of disease. Chiropractors know that subluxations, misalignments , in the spine cause interference to the nervous system. First there is dis-ease, followed by dysfunction and disease. Finally there is death of cells and tissues. subluxations are serious, because they interfere with normal nerve flow and function. The nervous system controls every other system in the body and is how you experience your entire life. the chiropractor stimulates the pressure receptors during careful palpation of the spine causing the beneficial cascade of Oxytocin. Oxytocin is unique in that it is both a hormone and neuropeptide. This means that it causes immediate stress relief and over time can lower the overall levels of chronic stress.2 This all starts taking place before the adjustment occurs and has an extreme impact on the nervous system. One of the immediate and important impacts of an adjustment is how it enhances the immune system function.6This is only one profound example of the power of a chiropractic spinal adjustment.

There are many chiropractic techniques that do not manually (use their hands) to adjust the spine however they do have extreme impacts on the body. Being a massage therapist prior to beginning chiropractic school , led me to be more of a manual , osseous adjuster and sparked my interest in the power of human touch. I prefer these type of techniques however use others when they are appropriate. In my experience as a massage therapist and chiropractic intern I have felt hypertonic (tight) tissues change quickly with my touch and more importantly my adjustments.  The body is intelligent and responds to manual interventions. Changes begin immediately during palpation, and continue for hours following a chiropractic adjustment. Never underestimate the power of human touch as it relates to self healing. Your body is extremely smart and with the assistance of a chiropractor can self heal.

Be sure to make an appointment with your chiropractor and also give someone important in your life a hug! It will enhance not only your life but the lives of the people around you!




Monday, October 8, 2012

Bunny Story

It is often said that everything you need to know, you learned in kindergarten.  Recently  I was thinking that perhaps that statement is in fact true and that we need to go back into our five year old mind and find our authentic self.  When I was five years old growing up in Michigan my grandparents had this amazing Blue spruce tree in their front yard. I loved this tree from its short pointy needles  to the way the snow in the winter would perfectly cover the branches making it look like a post card.  IN the spring I would lift up the heavy bottom branches and peak under the tree to look at a bunny family    resting safely at the base of the tree hidden out of sight from any predators.  The Autumn of my  kindergarten year in school I found out my grandparent’s tree was selected to be the Salvation Army tree in down town Grand Rapids  for Christmas and the tree must be cut down.  At first I was excited because my grandparents had plans to pick me up from  school and take me with them to the dedication ceremony. As the mayor and other city officials dedicated this tree for the holiday season.  Reporters were there writing stories and  I found myself so upset…”where would the bunnies go?”  I started to cry realizing their safe home was being taken away from them. Articles came out and since I was old enough  to read I saw my name in the newspaper with the reporter saying “don’t’ worry Bethy the bunnies will find a new home” and this was the first time I can remember in my life  feeling so upset that an ecosystem was being destroyed, the animals were losing their home and that other people just did not care.

Fast forward  20 years  and I found  myself with  an environmental studies degree and caring so deeply for the world around me. Then entering chiropractic school I  expanded that love and compassion to the people around me and their well being.   The bunnies had been long forgotten until my sister came across the articles at my grandparents house and called to read them over the phone to me between classes.   The same emotions came up inside of me of that little girl in Michigan more concerned about everything else around her and willing to speak up for what she believed in.  I talked with my dad and he said ‘’Isn’t it amazing the innocence of a five year old making those comments… you are the same caring person now that you were then’’ . In that instant  I found clarity  and realized that I am living my life as my authentic self.  This required  stripping away  all my  fears, superficial ideas about myself and be able to breathe through the discomfort.  This is a super scary place for us as humans  but if we can peal those layers and years away and connect  with who we were  before our external environment influenced us creating those fears and superficial  ideas then we can live a life in which our values are pure and reflect our authentic beings.
                When I am with a patient and I place my hands on their spine it is like me lifting that branch peaking in for that instant in time at that bunny family to make sure they are alright.  When I connect with my patients I am checking in with their innate for that instant in time, delivering a chiropractic adjustment where ever there are subluxations causing interference  then allowing them to go about their lives once again in a more optimal way. My authentic self is expressed when I am nurturing the environment around  me and  optimizing others nervous systems through the chiropractic adjustment  so that their innate intelligence can take over.  Just like I advocated for those bunnies years ago I am now advocating for innate and by doing this I am  fulfilling  my potential while connecting with my authentic self.