Sunday, October 7, 2012

Healthy Children Have Strong Immune Systems

By: Elizabeth M. Wisniewski  BA, CMT, Chiropractic Intern, Chiropractic Section Co-editor at All Things Healing

What do you think of when you hear the words, “immune system,”? Do images of germs, in the form of nerds (candy) shaped little gremlins that are going to make you sick fill your mind? Do you automatically want to reach for your hand sanitizer to kill these germs in order to promote health? A healthy immune system is imperative to overall well being. Are you comfortable that you are doing everything you can to enhance your child’s immune system?

When a child is born naturally they get their first immune system boost as they pass through the vaginal canal. They are exposed to bacteria that can then act as a barrier against more harmful colonies in the future. 1 Babies born by Caesarian section have been shown to be at higher risk for food allergies and even asthma in later years because they do not get this helpful boost during this type of delivery. 1New studies suggest that babies born via a C-section will benefit from probiotics and that naturally born babies see no benefit. If your baby was born as a result of a C-section it is imperative to supplement them with probiotics as soon as possible to enhance their immune system.

The next step to a healthy baby is breast feeding them. The mother is always circulating anti-bodies and when it is time for her to breast feed her newborn the body signals for some of these antibodies to go to the mammary glands. When the baby nurses they ingest these antibodies and they travel directly to the baby’s gut. This is where they live as the baby develops their own immune system. IGA is the most prominent antibody and is able to survive the harsh acids of the stomach and provide passive immunity for the baby. 2 Most experts recommend breast feeding for at least the first six months of life however the benefits of breast feeding the infant occur for as long as the breast feeding takes place. These helpful benefits for the mother and baby continue for years, allowing the baby to develop into a healthier child and adult.

As the infant begins to eat solid foods and develop into a toddler the type of food they eat will affect their immune system. Probiotics will benefit babies born via C-section and are recommended for older children and adults. It has also been shown that mothers taking probiotics during their pregnancy and then breast feeding their child can pass along probiotics through their milk and the baby has a decreased risk of allergies later in life. This is thought to be due to the “hygiene hypothesis”.3Bottle fed babies given probiotics directly see a similar benefit however they are not receiving the same passive immunity from the mother if they are fed formula. 2

Along with high quality probiotic supplements naturally fermented foods have been used in every culture for thousands of years. Fermented foods are a rich natural source of probiotics and not only boost the immune system by lining the gut with good bacteria they are also linked to better brain function. The Central Nervous System is made up of the brain and spinal cord and the Enteric nervous system is found in the gut. These two systems communicate through the Vagus nerve, which is the tenth (of twelve) cranial nerves and travels from the brain to the abdomen. There is an increasing body of research showing the link between gut flora and mood, anxiety, depression and overall brain function. 4 The take away lesson is that the food you eat impacts your mood and brain function. Also eating foods rich in natural fiber like raw fruits and vegetables provides inulin (fiber) which the good bacteria feed on. Bad bacteria eat sugars so eating a diet high in raw, organic fruits and vegetables helps the good bacteria thrived. Dr. Joseph Mercola recommends the ratio of 80:20, the 80 being good bacteria and the remaining amount the so called “bad” bacteria. This ratio insures a healthy immune system for years to come.

Another important step to enhancing your child’s immune system is having them adjusted regularly. Recent studies show that an adjustment with cavitations (that “popping
“ sound) show a marked increase in two important antibodies, IGG and IGM. This suggests a “priming” affect  meaning that the body will have a faster immune response in the future to infection. Even after two hours following the adjustment research subjects still had an increased amount of IGG in their blood stream. 5 This demonstrates what chiropractors have seen for 117 years and has been reported in many case studies. 6Children and adults who receive regular chiropractic care have a healthier immune system. This is because the immune system is regulated by the nervous system and specific chiropractic adjustments directly impact the nervous system’s function. Adjustments to the spine , where there are subluxations (often referred to as misalignments) cause interference to the nervous system. When a specific adjustment is applied to the spinal subluxation the interference is removed and the nervous system is able to function at its optimal level. When the nervous system is functioning properly and optimally it can then regulate the immune system to launch quick responses when it is under attack from foreign invaders like infections. Therefore along with proper diet, including probiotics, and regular chiropractic care the child will have an enhanced immune system and remain healthy throughout their development into adulthood. Chiropractic adjustments from birth help to create and enhance the immune system and provide the reassurance that you , as a parent, are indeed doing everything you can to enhance your child’s immune system function.

End Notes

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