Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dear Chiropractic

Dear chiropractic,

I Make Plans and God Laughs

Alright so the old adage is true… God is totally laughing at me! the first week and a half I was upset, crying  at the drop of a hat. How could my plans not be panning out? I set goals, made vision/ dream boards, wrote and read out loud my affirmations and still my plans were changing day by day.  I felt defeated and completely worn out. I have spent years preparing for this opportunity to become a doctor and change the world.  Now that it is happening I am so nervous!  Facts being facts, I had to get out all of the emotions… the anger, the fear and of course the tears.  Now, I am just getting over it! I am listening to the advice of my mentors and taking this time to reflect and relax… something I am not good at doing! My tears did cleanse my soul and I feel like I am riding the wave of the energy of this planet changing. I am back on the horse… writing affirmations, saying them to myself, dreaming big and showing up even bigger. I can feel it deep inside of me, I am on the verge of something HUGE! I am on the cusp of THE “thot-flash” that will change my life and millions of lives tomorrow.  I am writing, I am reading, I am focusing deep within myself. I am feeling the vibration of 70 trillion cells raise higher and higher. I am okay with plans changing and glad that God is laughing with me. I am so blessed to be where I am, to do what I do and to know that all I need are my two hands to make a difference. I am clearing the cause of subluxation out of my life and mind in order to welcome love and abundhence into my heart space. I am getting clear in order to clear the nervous systems in my community. I am renewing the vows I made with myself for my purpose statement. My purpose is to give, love and serve my community through chiropractic care. To tell the chiropractic story, as well as my own story, as a source of inspiration throughout the world.
Once again I will make decisions on whether or not I am getting closer to my purpose. I am evolving from the inside-out and radiating love and light. My inner light has reignited my dedication to service to humanity. I am so grateful for my head, heart and hands.

With love and appreciation,
Dr. Elizabeth M. Wisniewski


1 comment:

  1. Love you Beth!! Glad you are finally getting to a better place!!
