Saturday, January 26, 2013

Genuine Chiropractic May 2013: Women's Health

Genuine Chiropractic
May: Women’s Health

Welcome to the monthly newsletter from Genuine Chiropractic! Each month we’ll provide you and your family with relevant health information  and help you understand those often convoluted and misrepresented health topics.

The newsletter will have three sections
1 A general discussion of the theme being focused on that particular month
2 Chiropractic Lifestyle. In this section we will always discuss one of the three t’s that lead to subluxation. They are traumas, toxins and thoughts (auto suggestions) and relate one of them to the theme being focused on that month,
3 Action step. This is a chance to learn about that month’s work shop and the community service event the practice is involved in. We are building a community based on love and service and want our patients to be the biggest part of that by participating in both our workshops and community service projects.

May is an important month. In nature we are seeing the rebirth and new birth of plants and animals. We are outside more and eating a variety of new foods. It is also the month in which we celebrate Mother’s day. The theme for May is women’s health. This is a very broad topic and something we will focus on , covering different facets, throughout the year.

As the mother you are the nurturer. Our hunter gatherer past shows that the men did the hunting and women did the gathering. Women do best when they work together in groups, in a loving and collaborative manner. This means setting aside the gossip and really connecting with one another. Through the popular book ‘Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus’ and other neurological studies of the brain we are able to see that women, unlike men, do best when they are running on serotonin. (Men function better on dopamine) This is a more calming hormone and is produced during certain activities, like shopping! Ever notice how when you are with your girlfriends shopping, trying on new shoes and drinking tea that you feel super happy? This is because you are producing more serotonin creating more pleasure…retail therapy!  This can be connected to Paleolithic times where the women were in small groups, gathered around the campfire sharing stories. Men historically needed the dopamine to chase after large game they were hunting and the dopamine provided them with the rush they needed. As women, it is time to go back to our roots in order to live the healthiest and most authentic life possible.

Your intuition, referred to as innate intelligence in chiropractic circles, is very strong as a woman. A fast paced life that does not honor the gatherer past of the female spirit moves you further away from this innate intelligence. You know that feeling you have when your child is sick or has done something disobedient? How about that job interview that seemed too good to be true? Are you able to truly focus on yourself and listen to your intuition or has it been blocked by processed foods, lack of movement and gossip? When you are unable to listen to your own body you are more likely to get sick. You stop listening to those warning signs that something is wrong because you are the care taker, the nurturer and everyone in your home depends on you. This is all true however if you are not functioning at your most optimal level then you are not good for anyone else!

Genuine Chiropractic is dedicated to serving you and the health care needs of your entire family. We believe that building a healthy community begins with the individual, the family and eventually creates a vibrant community. Our focus is always the spine and nervous system. As chiropractors we do not claim to cure anything. We are putting a specific adjustment in your spine, removing any interference there may be to the nervous system and allowing the body to heal its self. The nervous system controls every cell, tissue, organ and other system in the body. When the nervous system is not functioning properly, due to a spinal subluxation (misalignment), then health is compromised. Regular chiropractic care for the entire family will insure happier and healthier lives for all.

Chiropractic Lifestyle

Living an authentic chiropractic lifestyle means that you are holistic in your approach to health. It means that you understand that everything in your body is connected and that the body is a living organism. Health does not come from a pill it occurs on the inside. The body has an amazing power to self heal when the nervous system is functioning optimally. The nervous system is interfered with when there are misalignments (subluxations) in the spine causing pressure on a nerve.  There are three main causes to subluxation they are traumas, toxins and thoughts sometimes referred to as autosuggestions.  This month we are focusing on thought.  Are most of your thoughts negative? Did you know that what you think impacts the biochemistry of your entire body? Have you noticed that when you are stressed and focus on that stress, it just seems to get worse? Your muscles tighten up, your back aches and you do not feel like yourself? Just like your body communicates through the spinal cord to the brain the brain in return talks back down the body. Negative thoughts whether they are conscinious or subconscious will impact the body in a bad way. Overtime they will lead to spinal subluxation. At first you may not realize anything is wrong, you are ignoring your intuition. Over time, you may realize there is some dysfunction in body – you are not able to turn your neck as far to the right as before. This can lead to disease and eventually death of cells. Getting adjusted corrects any misalignment sin the spine thus allowing the nervous system to flow freely and you are able to manifest health.

Action Step

Bring your family and friends into our office to have their spines checked too!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Sacrifice, Service and Energetic Love

Sacrifice, Service and Energetic Love
A note to my Most Precious Tribe

I am learning to sacrifice more an more each day.  It is a constant battle between my heart’s desire and my brain telling me to make the “right” decision. I recognize that the heart is often right , especially when practicing heart based communication. I also realize that some decisions should be made after particular contemplation.

Building a practice is truly a labor of love. Each day I am dedicating more and more time to it. I wish to create the best experience for my future patients. I know that I cannot just open the door and expect a line of people to walk in…although I am putting that out in the universe!  Painstakingly doing my due diligence each day and I am already seeing the benefits. With each person I meet with I know that I am creating exactly the community I want to serve. Setting aside, temporarily, personal ambitions and desires to manifest my perfect destiny. I feel more than blessed to have met the people I am networking with and am thankful for those I will meet in the future.

I envision Santa Barbara as just the beginning. I imagine it as the epicenter for all that is Genuine Chiropractic!

I am living the life, to the best of my abilities, as if this success has already happened.  I cherish my weekends, spending them at multiple farmer’s market purchasing the best organic food. Throughout the week I prepare delicious meals and snacks from the Earth’s bounty and thank the Earth, the sun and water as well as our creator for it each day. I say and write what I am thankful for each day. I have a daily goals log as well as an action journal. The goals log is personal and the action journals for GC. I write down everything I have accomplished that particular day for GC and what I am grateful for.  Being super organized is critical for working toward goals large and small. I keep a log of all communications, with the date, name of the person, form of communication and topics discussed. This provides me with a great record and saves time, overall. Time in this world is precious so I wish to maximize it while still enjoying it. Other weekend activities I enjoy include going to church (often multiple denominations) and getting in quality outdoor time. Reconnecting with the Earth is an important part of my life. We used to spend most of our lives outdoors and now yes the shelter is nice when there is extreme weather but we are not getting that outdoor time our body’s need. We need to be in the sun to produce vitamin D. We need to walk barefoot in the dirt and swim in the ocean to absorb ions from the planet. Having windows open allows important microbes into the home that help build healthier immune systems. Constant cleaning using products which destroy all life forms has an extreme negative impact on our health. So I find I need this time outside in order to feel balanced. When I have been indoors for what I perceive to be too long my body literally freaks out. It is a similar feeling to when I am subluxated in my spine and I am sure it is leading to subluxation as well!  I get irritable, antsy and know I need to make a change immediately. When you are in tune with your innate you will recognize similar feelings. Listen to them, your body is super intelligent! I find no matter how large the space I get emotional if I have been cooped up for too long.  My body is screaming at me, “go outside, breathe in the fresh air, embrace nature and your ancestral roots!”  When I hit the “snooze” button it only makes it worse! Stop hitting the “snooze” button of life. This button includes: “I’ll tell them I love them later” or “I’ll do that tomorrow,” Do it now and stay on purpose by listening to your innate intelligence. The wisdom your body holds is awesome and ignoring it leads to a life of regret and subluxation.

I believe that sacrifice can be one of the highest forms of showing love and true service. Setting aside material needs, self serving ambitions and superficial dreams. Yes, it is difficult… but is it worth it to you? Can you look at yourself in the mirror or go within your most delicate heart space and ask yourself if you are selfless or selfish? We all have moments we are selfish. In the moments of jealousy and  rage we are simply acting selfishly. Give yourself a time limit to feel these emotions and then let it go. This takes great practice but just becoming aware will immediately change your biochemistry.  Start thinking how can I give up something I thought I cared about to make this world a bit better when I leave? I can honestly say there are few worldly possessions I am emotionally attached to. When I watched my mother die, when I was 14, I realized nothing material mattered. Of course, I like to dress professionally and like a early ‘60s “modern” woman. Does it really matter? The answer is no. Losing my sight has also helped me realize the physical in its most superficial sense is irrelevant. I seek to love people for their hearts, their souls and energy. I love being in the presence of that deep, visceral energy. It is hard to explain, but if you have it, I’ll be sure to tell you! The more intrigued I am the more I place my right hand over my heart space when I am talking with someone . I find myself blocking my heart space, with my left hand, which is the maternal side when I feel an energy that I do not want interrupting my heart space. This is not something that can be truly taught , it is realized when you are in union with innate.  If someone says something beautiful, you must tell them in that moment. Otherwise that moment is  lost to the universe and you will feel it bounce back toward you every so often but it will never be that perfect moment again. Express love when you feel it, hug that person instead of contemplating it until the moment is gone. When you know the right decision is sacrifice then give something up. What are you willing to give up to manifest your ideal future? What are you willing to say in order to realize your dreams? Can you step outside your comfort zone?  Can you love to love and learn to let go of superficial love? Can you go deep and be on my level of embracing and loving the spirit?  When I love you, I love you for who you are. I cannot see you and I do not care to in a way. I think that you are beautiful because of your energy. I think that you are amazing for your sacrifices and even more inspiring for your gifts. When I love you truly, I will always love you.  I am so grateful for the people in my life, teaching me each day how to love and how to sacrifice. I am thankful for each experience good or bad. I cherish both feelings and know that that they are temporary. 

I love the future I am creating for my life because I know how many lives will be changed. The day I am no longer living my purpose is the day I create a new, higher purpose.   I am sacrificing my sight in order to create a vision of a hopeful future. I am role modeling this experience to help others realize what matters. For me, love and genuine service is most important. I love you all and look forward to serving you. Thank you for allowing me to sacrifice part of myself in order to live a life of purpose. Together we will experience highs and lows but in love and light we will thrive.

ADIO Love,
Dr. Elizabeth M. Wisniewski
Doctor of Chiropractic

Monday, January 21, 2013

An Inside-out Approach to Dealing with Challenges

An Inside-outApproach to Dealing with Challenges
By Elizabeth m. Wisniewski, DC

Recently, I went to the ballet and I was able to truly enjoy it. I am setting aside being upset when I go to things that are super visual and learning to embrace them in a different way. Listening to the music and feeling the energy was amazing! The dancer’s emotions poured out  through their  bodies and out into the audience. This is a sign of a true artist; being able to convey your emotions in a non verbal way so much so that someone in the front row who cannot see can enjoy the performance.

I refuse to give up the things I love, the arts being one. I spent a lot of time painting, knitting, cross stitching, drawing and sewing growing up. I would like to pick up knitting again and take poetry writing classes. I am realizing more and more how much I love writing! Writing allows me to express myself in the most creative way possible and it does not require sight. It is another way that I am role modeling how to take a challenge and make it an asset.

Each day I am learning to be more mindful and this is quite a practice! I believe it is fine to be upset about something as long as it does not totally ruin your entire day, week, month , year or life! Allow those emotions to flow through you and feel what it is like to experience them. Is your heart rate increasing? Is your face flushed? Can you smile? What is the rest of your body doing when you are experiencing different emotions? Start paying attention to these feelings, honor them and then continue on in your day. If you need to cry, then cry. Cleanse your soul with your tears, this is an inside-out way of expressing emotions. Do not fall victim to the idea that you must suppress your genuine emotions through pills.  Numbing your feelings will only allow you to be mediocre, at best. If you want to live the life you have imagined, you have to live it from the inside-out. Connect with your breath, speak your truth, be authentic to others, and love everyone around you. Even when they make you upset, go inside yourself to work through the emotions and then just love them more. Learn to appreciate them in a new way and you will fall deeper in love with this beautiful world.

There is no reason to give up the things you love when you are experiencing a challenge. Instead of hiding behind excuses and numbing yourself with drugs you must center yourself and live from the inside-out. Only then will your challenges organically appear as hidden treasures and you will be honoring your innate intelligence.


Friday, January 18, 2013

My Genuine Dreams

My dream is to have a community that embraces and truly lives the chiropractic lifestyle. They minimize their traumas, toxins and negative thoughts and receive regular chiropractic adjustments. They understand that the body is self healing and self regulating and that innate intelligence flows through each one of us. My community knows that healing must be an inside-out process and that I am not curing them of anything. Their bodies possess inherent wisdom to heal and will always do so when their nervous systems is clear.

My dream is to serve the underprivileged people of the world with chiropractic care. To tell the chiropractic story as well as my own story as a source of inspiration throughout the world. I want to talk to chiropractors, because I love them, but I want to talk to the general public   My dream is to travel the world delivering this message, to take with me a group of chiropractors who will adjust day and night the poorest people in the world. To transform and elevate the vibration of this planet through a heart of service.  To show love and compassion to the most forgotten person.

My dream is to live a life of purpose and to have each activity I take part of get me closer to living a genuine life, always moving me closer to my purpose.

My dream is to help those families struggling with premature babies diagnosed with retinal prematurity to  not have to make decisions in which their baby is constantly going under the knife. To remove the subluxations from their delicate spines and nervous system so that they have a chance to develop naturally. TO have children suffering from eye diseases similar to mine not to have to endure the amount of surgeries that I have.  No child should be afraid of doctors the way I was.

I am dedicated to creating the best community and experience through Genuine Chiropractic care and our innate practice model.  Practical advice based in research but ALWAYS related to the subluxation.

My dream is to have a community who practices heart based communication. A community that loves one another and is supportive. It is in this collaboration that we will manifest a healthy community where everyone’s dreams are achievable.

ADIO Love,
Dr. Elizabeth M. Wisniewski
Doctor of Chiropractic

Letter To My Mother

Dear Mommy,

First of all, I miss you SO much! I think of you each day and feel the warmth of your love surround me. I miss you most around holidays or special days, like your birthday coming up next week. You would be 58 years old.

I used to be really angry that you were taken away from me when I was only 14. I am now 28 and have lived half my life without you. I am realizing more and more that you were setting me up for success until the day you took your last breath.

I am so grateful for you staying up until 2am with me doing geometry homework on peg boards with rubber bands. I could not open my eyes because of the trauma from back to back emergency eye surgeries and you pushed me to maintain that 4.0 GPA whether or not I could open my eyes and see my homework or not. You made me so mad because you pushed me so hard at times but now I have nothing but respect for you. Every time we were in the car you made me say “7s to 70” or perform mental math problems… a far cry from playing “the license plate game” on road trips but you had high expectations of me. My daily job list was intense with positive attitude at the bottom. Mom, that has been my biggest struggle. You were amazing, always positive even when the allopathic care was killing you. I have to keep the words “positive attitude” constantly in my mind otherwise I fall off track so easily. It is a practice for me and I strive to have your grace each day. I have never met anyone else like you, your honesty was brutal at times but pure. Your outlook on life was super bright and everyone was drawn to you and your energy.

I am so grateful for the heart of service you and dad instilled in me. Volunteering at church functions as an assistant to special end children and teaching Sunday school are just a few examples. Watching you create wonderful events with your special education classes like ‘celebrate diversity’ where all the children, regular ed included, used wheelchairs and other assistive devices to create beautiful art work… it is so inspirational. You did not know that you would have a child who would lose their sight but your experience prepared you to give me the confidence to continue on and be successful no matter what.

I am finally forgiving you for being so hard on me and taking each one of those experiences into something positive. So many people with challenges are held back but I am now a Doctor of Chiropractic and I am so proud of myself. I am grateful to have watched both you and dad give everything you had to your careers. It is so inspirational to me, looking back, at the sacrifices you made and the impact you made on the community. You truly served the families of the special education children you taught and everyone still remembers that about you.

You would be so proud of the super OCD calendar I am putting together for my practice. I am writing all of the monthly articles a year in advance, all the scripts, and action steps which are community service programs. When you left your Earthly body  you gave to me your passion and drive to serve, I love you so much for that. Thank you for picking the best dad in the world to raise me and stand by me. He promised you as you took your last breath that he would take care of your girls, and mom he has fulfilled that promise to you.He told me that even though you were in a coma you had a single tear fall from your left eye as he held your hand, telling you that he would make sure we were okay. I know you heard him, believed him and left us in his hands.

I miss you so much and know that we are connected through universal intelligence. Your spirit is beautiful and alive inside of me and I just want you to know how much I love you.


ADIO Love,
Dr. Elizabeth M. Wisniewski
Doctor of Chiropractic