Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Head, Heart and Hands

Head, Heart and Hands

Chiropractic is best when it is defined by the triad of philosophy , science and art. This is often referred to as head, heart and hands. Just like in chiropractic we are constantly seeking balance, the same is true for the body. Chiropractors balance and restore proper flow to the nervous system through the chiropractic adjustment.  The nervous system controls every other system in the body so proper function is critical to a healthy life.

When I think of the first word in this triad “head” I know that I am fulfilling this portion of the triangle through reading and writing. Consistent reading of chiropractic text from the green books to modern publications is part of my weekly practice and obligation to chiropractic and future patients. Beyond chiropractic text I constantly seek knowledge from other sources like Mercola’s webpage and ‘All Things Healing’.  I believe that a constant thirst for knowledge is an essential part of life.  When people ask me about a certain food and which vitamins it contains I am often able to answer them with great confidence. This is because after buying something from my local farmer’s market or trying a new food I research it, adding that information to my database. I recommend reading articles from alternative news sources daily, reading actual books instead of ADHD inducing blurbs and writing several days per week.

The next part of this triangle is “heart”. I love chiropractic and serving people. It is this love that drives my quest for information and drives me to put my best intention into each person I place my hands on to adjust.  Communicating to patients from a place of love and respect.  I am a huge proponent of heart space communication. This requires you to be mindful and truly feel each feeling as it emerges. It allows me to use universal intelligence  to connect with another person’s innate intelligence and deliver an adjustment at the right time. A heart of service is a heart that is fulfilled in every capacity. Love what you are doing, communicate from a place of love and tell people around you that you love them. You can add this into your rituals by volunteering in your community or smiling at least one stranger each day.

The third part is “hands”. This is particularly special for me. I rely so much on my hands with the decrease in my vision. My hands are my eyes and careful palpation of the spine is where I feel most comfortable. My hands allow me to live my dream of being a chiropractor and knowing that I can be a doctor regardless of my so called limitations. Find your challenges and turn them into an asset. Embrace each sense and what it has to offer you.  Sit outside and close your eyes. Feel the blades of grass around you, what do they feel like? Not only does this help you tap into your inner child it also makes your more mindful.

Balance is difficult to find and can be even more challenging to maintain. It should be a constant practice in your life. Find your passion and do whatever it takes to achieve your dreams. I am so grateful for my head, heart and hands. I love my profession / lifestyle and look forward to serving people for the rest of my life through chiropractic.

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