Saturday, April 27, 2013

100 Year Lifestyle

If you knew you were going to live to 100, how would you change your life?

This is a very important question for you to answer and discuss with family members as well as friends. The fact is that many people are going to live longer than they ever imagined. By the year 2050 there will be approximately 4.2 million people in the United States over the age of 100. There is a lot of research that the human body can live to be 120… even 150 years old if it is cared for properly. Based on this information alone, you should be motivated to take control of your life and prepare appropriately. This means in every aspect of your life, from taking care of your finances to your body.  This is advanced notice that you are going to live a long life so start making healthier decisions today!

Genuine Chiropractic Inc. is very proud to be a licensed affiliate of the 100Year Lifestyle program. It is based on a bestselling book and workout program.  As affiliates we will be using the information provided by the 100 Year Lifestyle to improve the overall health of the community. We want all people in Santa Barbara to be as healthy as possible from their first breath of life to their last. This includes regular chiropractic care as well as eating healthy and working out. This holistic approach will help to heal the mind, body, spirit, and environment in the Santa Barbara region.

GCI looks forward to serving you, and your entire family using the 100 Year Lifestyle model. It is truly the best way to intentionally create a health conscious community. Together we can cultivate vitalism throughout Santa Barbara for many generations to come!

ADIO Love,
Dr. Elizabeth M. Wisniewski

Friday, April 19, 2013

Who Are You?

One of the main topics I love to write and give talks on is taking your challenges and turning them into an asset.  This goes way beyond words… it takes clear intention and action!

Our struggles in life can cause us to fall into the winter of discontent only to realize that life is still happening around us and eventually we must rejoin the world. During these times , when we are feeling super low, we can find our way by trusting our innate intelligence. Innate is perfect and fortunate for us, we do not always have to be perfect to follow innate’s guidance. There is constant shift between negative and positive and hopefully leaning more toward the positive end of the spectrum as we march through our lives.

In the times of vulnerbility,sadness, and negative mindset we can awaken our souls to the possibilities that surround  us. It is a different lens, and sometimes can only be cleansed by our tears allowing us greater vision into what innate has planned.

Every person has the right to this self determination for their own truth. Some people take more time, some people need to cry , and others find it with great ease. Each person has their own path and it is correct for them. The only time that we get lost is when we shut down that voice inside of us and listen to the outside chatter, whether it be negative news or our less than supportive family members. The real strength and courage is always within. This same strength and courage is what redirects us when we are lost, inspiring our souls to get on course once again.

It is easy to be discouraged, it is easy to be thrown off track only to realize later on that the entire time you had been day dreaming,  about a better life. Later on, you finally realize,   you were actually living that life you had always imagined. Perhaps it was not the fairy tale you pictured as a child, but it was your truth and it was beautiful because you finally realized your innate potential.

Personally, I still dream in vivid colors even though I can no longer really see them in a “normal” way. Sometimes it does make me mad or sad and I think that is fine to experience those emotions. Now I experience colors in feelings that are deeply connected to my childhood and my authentic self. If you say “sage green” I feel safe inside knowing that is my favorite color. If you say “chocolate brown” I feel joy with a bit of loneliness because it reminds me of my mother always wearing sweaters this color and I miss her dearly. When I think of blue, I can hear my grandma’s voice or hot pink I have memories of our yellow lab, Abbi’s collar. You see, I can still have color in my life but it is no longer visual it is a feeling and a much deeper sensation. These are the sort of realizations one can have when they are plugged into the universe and themselves. I work out, I eat super clean organic and local food, I drink green juice at least once a day, I say my affirmations  but what really connects me is the chiropractic adjustment.  The adjustment restores my connections with the outside world and my internal battles of losing my mother and sight at the age of 14. Learning to deliver an adjustment gave me purpose and taught me how to love others for the sake of loving and serve  them for the sake of serving.

  I believe that if you can cry and then laugh within a moment of one another it is like a rainbow when it is raining. They are so different, but are beautiful together. This is life, so cry when you need to cry. Laugh with every fiber in your being and love all this emotion. It is in these small, yet significant moments in life, that full expression of life is realized. It is in these moments that we can find great clarity and the resolve to forgive our past transgressions. Once forgiven, we can better tune into innate and manifest our genuine souls through intention and action.

It is important to remember, nobody is perfect but we can all live an amazing life. Through all of the stress, anxiety, and struggles everyone can realize they are living the life they have imagined when there is no interference. Create the intention in your heart space and take an action today to get clear in your  head, in your heart and most importantly in yoru nervous system. With clarity comes joy, with joy we can create a beautiful world .