Saturday, April 27, 2013

100 Year Lifestyle

If you knew you were going to live to 100, how would you change your life?

This is a very important question for you to answer and discuss with family members as well as friends. The fact is that many people are going to live longer than they ever imagined. By the year 2050 there will be approximately 4.2 million people in the United States over the age of 100. There is a lot of research that the human body can live to be 120… even 150 years old if it is cared for properly. Based on this information alone, you should be motivated to take control of your life and prepare appropriately. This means in every aspect of your life, from taking care of your finances to your body.  This is advanced notice that you are going to live a long life so start making healthier decisions today!

Genuine Chiropractic Inc. is very proud to be a licensed affiliate of the 100Year Lifestyle program. It is based on a bestselling book and workout program.  As affiliates we will be using the information provided by the 100 Year Lifestyle to improve the overall health of the community. We want all people in Santa Barbara to be as healthy as possible from their first breath of life to their last. This includes regular chiropractic care as well as eating healthy and working out. This holistic approach will help to heal the mind, body, spirit, and environment in the Santa Barbara region.

GCI looks forward to serving you, and your entire family using the 100 Year Lifestyle model. It is truly the best way to intentionally create a health conscious community. Together we can cultivate vitalism throughout Santa Barbara for many generations to come!

ADIO Love,
Dr. Elizabeth M. Wisniewski

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