Monday, July 11, 2016

Birthday thank you!

Open thank you note

Dear friends & family,

This weeks blog is a bit different, instead of a theme which I will use for my yoga class, it is an open thank you note. I had seriously an amazing, beautiful birthday! I am so grateful for each of you whether you are here in SB, home in Michigan, or across the world… I am so grateful!
Some of the main points on my birth chart are:
Sun sign: cancer
Moon: Scorpio
Rising: Leo
Lesson:  I am emotional and birthdays bring up a lot from the past and usually induce anxiety. As I felt a twinge of anxiety creep over me a couple of days prior, I embraced it. Instead of feeding the fear, I loved it up!  I decided to trust in the universe and my good friends in Santa Barbara rather than running away/ hiding. How amazing the transformation proved to be! It was the most fun I have had as an adult; the best birthday I have had since before my mom died!
My morning was simple, normal and included yoga, meditation, prayer, and of course… good coffee! I had lunch with some girlfriends and then we went to the park and painted in the sun for a couple of hours. We ended up covered in paint, glitter, sand, and sun burn. I wanted this birthday to be a celebration of creativity, community, and connection.  I invited my friends to join me on this authentic journey and to embrace their creative side… and it was magical!
  Later on, we met up with more friends at a different beach where we formed a Goddess circle with a beautiful candle lit in the middle.
Each woman went around and shared who they are, how they are connected to me, and what their passion/ career is… each person shared their fear or something that they wanted to release. We wrote our fears on a stone (collected at the beach earlier in the day) and then we lined-up at the shore. We collectively cast our fears, anxieties, and challenges into the sea. We sealed this scacred bond with the circle and with the mother earth. I personally cast away the feeling of “unworthiness” and to further commit to this new year of life, I swam into eh ocean. Being an unsalted, Michigan / Great lakes girl this is always a fear of mine. I gave up not only that fear, the feeling of unworthiness, but also a new bracelet to the sea. This is a quick lesson of letting go… of surrender because there is nothing else that I can do.
The evening concluded with a huge, organic, homemade dinner at another’s friend’s home. It was delicious, perfect, and so loving! I truly felt so loved and so worthy of my amazing friends!
I am so happy to walk with each of you on this journey and would do anything for you. I am always here to support and love you up, whenever you need it. I am grateful for each of you and you all have a special place in my heart.
That evening, I felt a shift inside of myself as I embrace my authentic, creative, loving spirit. Thank you for being part of the shift, I love you! I look forward to bright days ahead with each of you…. Painting, sculpting, making jewelry, playing at the beach, swimming, practicing yoga, and supporting each other. Create, celebrate, connect!

Dr. E

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