Saturday, October 8, 2016

Core of Courage part 4: Dynamic life purpose

Core of Courage: Part 4
Courage to live an authentic, dynamic life purpose

I run, courage always wins the race.
I hide, courage knows where I live.
I out maneuver, courage wrote the book on my heart.
I surrender, courage pushes me closer to the edge.
I leap, courage plants me safely on the ground.
I love, courage rewards me.
I love courage
I embody courage

Yet here I am again, facing the core of courage. It haunts my daydreams and holds me close at night. I cannot escape this word, this concept, this idea. I must give in once again, I bow to you courage. You are not about strength, you are only about telling ones truth from their authentic heart space. You are my constant teacher, inner critic, and motivating force. Your shape shifting dance I find intriguing, despite the urge to ignore you.
As courage whispered to me this morning in meditation, my life purpose is dynamic. I had this sense that I had my personal purpose statement which has guided my career and it was “good enough”. But, as I tapped further into truth I realized it was something bigger… something with tremendous force guiding me, pushing me, protecting me, and telling me to define my purpose. This morning it was in my ear, telling me to really think about my motto. My classic sign-off and life motto I developed is “Get clear, be inspired, Cultivate Vitalism”. Those first two words “get clear” wereforcing me to go in deeper, to get truly curious about life purpose. My over arching purpose is to inspire others to be the best version of themselves. This comes from a place of genuine love and a full heart dedicated to service. Although this may be my motivation, it was not clear… I needed to name names , and get crystal-clear.  
I walked around my house, which is my nest of peace, with a huge piece of sage. Out loud I was fitting words on for size… trusting in the process that words would measure-up and fit together in a perfect albeit convoluted  puzzle.
I love the word “inspire” because it is a more inside-out approach than motivation. So, I knew it had to be part of my purpose. I also love the word “cultivate” since it is a very grounding, earth connected word. I had this perfect connect in my chakra system occurring as I meditated. “Inspire” from the top down and “cultivate’ from the bottom up. Bringing all my energy, life force, and intention to the center of my body… giving me power and creativity. I thought of the middle chakras… courage for the heart, power for the solar plexus, and creativity for the sacral chakra. I knew that if my life purpose statement was powerful, then I would never need to use a word like “power”.
Then, like a lightning bolt hitting my heart, splitting it open a bit further, it came to me. I said the word out loud several times in different order… I felt each one of their vibrations resonate with each cell of my being. Did the words feel dynamic? Did the words reflect my authentic self and truth? Could the words connect past, present, and future? Did they feel good? Did this fully explain and encapsulate my desire to serve the world? Was it clear yet open? Was it true?

My dynamic, authentic like purpose:
Cultivate and inspire creative courage

This is what resonates with all 7 trillion cells of my being. This is where my mind, body, spirit connect in Holy Communion with the earth. This is my truth and life’s work. In this purpose I can use my intuition, knowledge, hands, heart, creative dreams, everything to serve the world. In this purpose, I am complete.

Steps to cultivate and create a life purpose statement
1 Meditate! Allow thoughts to wash over you, run over your body, then leave. Do this regularly and begin to notice the patterns of thoughts.
2 Journal, before or after (perhaps both) as a brain dump, brain storm, daily journal to find clarity.
3 brain storm on paper, out loud, or with trusted friends on the words and phrases that inspire you.
4 identify where you have been in this lifetime and where you wish to be. Who do you want to be? Who do you want to serve? What kind of impact  do you want to have on this world?
5 trust in this process
6 play with words out loud, feel how each word resonates in you r body.  Only choose those words that expand your heart space!
7 Have several options and meditate on them and then present them to trusted advisers
8 proclaim your purpose to the universe- in ceremony, in communion with  mother earth, out loud, on paper, in meditation. Be one with yoru purpoe.
9 Make decisions based on wehther you are getting closer or further from this purpose.
10 Know that this purpose is dynamic, ever changing, ever evolving. Again, trust int eh process! Live a life of courage, conviction, and commitment to service and the universe will always provide.

If you wish to learn more please follow me on Facebook Dr. Elizabeth Wisniewski and send me a message there if you wish to be added to my private mentoring group!

In courage and truth,
Dr. Elizabeth M. Wisniewski
Get clear, be inspired, Cultivate vitalism


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