Saturday, September 29, 2012

I'm Just a Girl

I’m Just a Girl

Pure exhaustion coupled with being a girl can lead to a state of dis-ease and hyper irritability. Learning how to cut this off at the beginning and turn negative emotions into positive takes practice but can be easily accomplished and is well worth the effort.

Today I found myself heading down the wrong path, I was super tired, my house was a mess from a dinner party the night before and I wanted to be lazy. Here I am living in beautiful California and my plan was to spend the day indoors moping around. I forced myself to clean the kitchen and the results motivated me to clean the rest of my house. Just getting up and moving around started changing my mind and biochemistry but I was still feeling down…simply not myself! This is when I decided to do a self intervention!

First I told myself that I had one hour to get over the things that were bothering me. I shed some tears and worked through the petty, superficial reasons that I was upset. Next I put on my meditation music and did some deeper work. My problem is that I feel like I give so much all the time and never feel that reciprocated. So I decided to figure out why this was bothering me so much! While meditating on my heart chakra I focused on the following question, “how can I give more to the people around me?”This shift in my thinking made me realize that even when I think I cannot possibly do any more or give anymore that is when I need to give to everyone around me the most. Next I focused on my third eye chakra I asked, “how can I serve more people through chiropractic care?”After the music ended I sat there and meditated on the latter question for a few more minutes. I thought of D.D. Palmer’s quote, “Life is but the expression of spirit through matter.  To make life manifest requires the union of spirit and body.” With this thought I felt reconnected once again and went on a bike ride.

 While biking I was saying my positive affirmations. The No Doubt song “I’m Just a Girl” came on and I found myself repeating those words, “I’m Just a Girl” and when I realized that I had replaced my positive affirmations with that tag line I immediately stopped! I thought about how that is a terrible thing to put out into the universe because I am a nurturer, I am a woman, I radiate love and light, I am a speaker, I am an author, I am an environmentalist and I am certainly way more than JUST A GIRL!

Adjusting your thinking is the best way to turn your day around. I had exercised my mind through meditation, my body through biking and my soul was reconnected with my authentic self. Never talk yourself into thinking that you’re just a girl…you are unique, amazing and a spirit full of love, life and vitality. Embrace these qualities and have a lovely day!!!


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