Sunday, September 30, 2012

Subluxation and the City

Subluxation and the City

Today’s society makes it super easy to get subluxated. Trauma from the daily grind, toxins from GMO food and negative thoughts from a culture based off of commercials funded by big pharma. One drug store is now advertising 90% smaller needles for their flu vaccinations, another features a seemingly healthy looking woman riding around on a scooter placing drug store goodies in the basket and finally one of the major pharmaceutical companies has a new webpage with healthy recipes on it. First things first, health can NEVER come from the outside-in! Needles, pills and fake healthy recipes featuring conventional, GMO foods are never going to make you healthy. Thinking that prevention is taking a pill when you are expressing symptoms like sneezing, coughing and runny nose are not bad things. It is time for a paradigm shift, stop thinking of symptoms as being a bad thing and trying to suppress them. Sneezing and coughing are awesome because your body is removing foreign and invading substances from the body naturally preventing “illness”. Suppressing these natural functions can in return do the exact opposite of what you are trying to prevent in the first place…getting sick! Another example is fever. The innate intelligence of the body knows to raise the temperature in order to kill off bad bacteria and viruses. Taking medicine to relieve these temporary symptoms has potential to prolong the time you are not feeling well because the body is unable to do what it is meant to do.

There are many defense mechanisms set up in the body from the tiny hairs that line your nose to the good bacteria that should line your gut. Approximately 80% of your immune system is in the gut so having the proper ratio of good to bad gut bacteria is imperative. Every time you take an anti-biotic, especially when you are taking them for a virus, the good bacteria are killed along with any bad bacteria. This allows for invasive yeast and bad bacteria to move in . Following a forest fire there is primary succession of plants, these are often invasive, non native species, that change and often devastate the once pristine and diverse forest. This is the same thing that happens in the gut following anti-biotic use. Repeated use leads to stronger strains of bacteria that are often anti-biotic resistant so only using anti-biotics when absolutely necessary is key to a healthy and functioning immune system. This is also part of living  a life that is based on the principle of inside-out. The immune system is functioning because there is proper ratio of good bacteria. To take this a step further, eating whole foods provide the inulin (fiber) that feeds good bacteria allowing them to thrive in the human gut. A diet rich in sugar feeds the yeast and bad bacteria allowing them to proliferate and greatly impact health.

Western medicine is great, especially in the case of emergency and urgent care. It is not great in prevention and addressing the cause of disease. Needles, pills, potions and surgery do not lead to health. Health is from the inside-out. Knowing that symptoms are often temporary and necessary is critical. Rather than popping a pill to suppress the symptoms embrace them as a sign of health. Your body is doing exactly what it is meant to do, that is amazing! Giving the body good fuel from organic whole foods, drinking water, getting rest and having your spine checked for subluxations are ALL necessary to live the best life possible. Instead of reaching for the pill bottle the next time you start having any symptoms of sickness run down this check list first!

1 Have I been getting enough rest?
2 Am I eating whole foods?
3 Am I drinking enough water?
4 Am I introducing enough movement into my life and body?
5 Have I had my spine checked for subluxations?

The last is extremely important. Everything mentioned above is regulated by the nervous system. Even the immune system is regulated by your nervous system. When there is any interference in the communication of the nervous system you cannot express optimal health. A chiropractor can evaluate your spine for subluxations and introduce an adjustment to the segments that are subluxated. This balances the nervous system allowing it to flow freely, so  the body can function the way it is meant to.

Finally, stop watching and listening to all those commercials! They brain wash you into thinking health is from the outside-in, as if health can be secretly contained within a little , colored pill. You have the capacity to be healthy, release the potential by following the recommendations above and most importantly have your spine regularly checked and adjusted!


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