Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dear Chiropractic

Dear chiropractic,

I Make Plans and God Laughs

Alright so the old adage is true… God is totally laughing at me! the first week and a half I was upset, crying  at the drop of a hat. How could my plans not be panning out? I set goals, made vision/ dream boards, wrote and read out loud my affirmations and still my plans were changing day by day.  I felt defeated and completely worn out. I have spent years preparing for this opportunity to become a doctor and change the world.  Now that it is happening I am so nervous!  Facts being facts, I had to get out all of the emotions… the anger, the fear and of course the tears.  Now, I am just getting over it! I am listening to the advice of my mentors and taking this time to reflect and relax… something I am not good at doing! My tears did cleanse my soul and I feel like I am riding the wave of the energy of this planet changing. I am back on the horse… writing affirmations, saying them to myself, dreaming big and showing up even bigger. I can feel it deep inside of me, I am on the verge of something HUGE! I am on the cusp of THE “thot-flash” that will change my life and millions of lives tomorrow.  I am writing, I am reading, I am focusing deep within myself. I am feeling the vibration of 70 trillion cells raise higher and higher. I am okay with plans changing and glad that God is laughing with me. I am so blessed to be where I am, to do what I do and to know that all I need are my two hands to make a difference. I am clearing the cause of subluxation out of my life and mind in order to welcome love and abundhence into my heart space. I am getting clear in order to clear the nervous systems in my community. I am renewing the vows I made with myself for my purpose statement. My purpose is to give, love and serve my community through chiropractic care. To tell the chiropractic story, as well as my own story, as a source of inspiration throughout the world.
Once again I will make decisions on whether or not I am getting closer to my purpose. I am evolving from the inside-out and radiating love and light. My inner light has reignited my dedication to service to humanity. I am so grateful for my head, heart and hands.

With love and appreciation,
Dr. Elizabeth M. Wisniewski


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Chapter Review

The universe will always provide. IT is continuously  providing even when we are too exhausted and in a negative frame of mind  to recognize it. Often the manifestation of our hopes and dreams is best in hindsight so moving into a more mindful space can provide further clarity and guidance. Looking back on my time at Palmer West I can specifically call out several “thot-flash” moments that shaped my soul and carved out the path I am traveling down.

The first moment of clarity came to me before starting Palmer West. I visited Palmer Davenport and found out several weeks after the visit they no longer allow visually impaired students on that campus. Frustrated, I broke down for about ten minutes feeling defeated and that my dreams had been completely shattered. A couple of days later I found out that I could in fact attend their West campus in San Jose, California. Quickly, my attitude shifted… of course California is better than Iowa, so when the time presented I moved to the West coast. I had never wanted to live in California. I always thought I would live in Colorado or even back in Montana where I received my undergrad education. When the plane’s doors opened at SFO and I let my first California air I knew I was here to stay! I turned to my father and said, “I love California, this is where I am meant to be.”I felt in that instant certain comfort and sense of contentment in my decision to become a DC.

The next important moment occurred at the end of my first quarter of chiropractic school. I was making some amazing lifelong friends and starting to find a groove somewhere in between 30+ credits and living out my mid 20s as a fun loving hippieish girl! I was so happy to have several close girl friends (ABA) to laugh and run around the bay area with!  I was having fun and already thinking about what I would do after graduation. In first quarter I contacted UC Berkeley and inquired about their MPH program thinking that it would be a great fit for me. The crazy  over achiever in me, wanted to have a  plan in place for after graduation to continue my education since I believe the best part of life is learning. This intense focus on grades and titles almost caused me to miss a chance meeting with one of the most important people  in my life. I had been invited to a beer tasting party however I wanted to find out my grades and hang out with my quarter to celebrate the completion of our first quarter of chiropractic school. My girl friends encouraged me to go to my beer tasting and that I would meet up with them later. IT was there the universe introduced me to this random guy and although I thought he seemed pretty awesome at the time, my first quarter self could have never imagined that this was the person I would be starting a practice with several years later.

Time at Palmer is a  weird phenomenon. The weeks fly by but the days seem like a weeklong. It is a constant marathon of sitting over eight hours per day, taking notes, studying, being with the same people every second and cramming for 12 finals every 12 weeks. Burned out from all of my extracurricular activities including  two national positions and running several clubs I walked into my apartment one day and it was as if a bolt of lightning hit me. THOT-FLASH! I had created this warm, comforting home. Full of texture from the hemp rugs on the floor to the ruffled pillows on my bed. I always have music playing and candles burning. My apartment was truly a place for all of the senses to be embraced. I realized that this is it… this is my mission. I am meant to free nervous system interference to allow others to experience their lives in the most optimal way. For me this means truly being mindful and appreciating every sense not just being stuck in a visual realm. This set the ground work for many of my articles and public speeches and once I point it out to people that they should literally STOP and smell the roses, it seems to click for them. By freeing their imprisoned impulses I am freeing their minds…I am liberating their full potential! I love  adjusting subluxations and allowing that person to stop adapting to the world around them and instead living in harmony within their universe. It is beautiful and I am the most privileged  girl in the world to be able to do this each day!

Building upon my lightning bolt thought around sixth quarter I had aftershocks that have proven to be the stepping stones along my journey. One of the bridges that took me to a new level of thought exploration has been editing for the chiropractic page of All Things Healing. I kept reading the page and emailing with the supervising editor. I went back and forth on whether I could handle another responsibility at the time. I had patients in clinic, a couple clubs  which I was still president of and figuring out my future practice. I could not get At out of my head. Here was a huge opportunity to get the chiropractic message out to the world, so I jumped don it and never looked back.  It is not about me being editor and getting published, it is so much bigger than me. That is why I brought my good friend on as co-editor to double the amount of messages going out to the world. The chiropractic section was about to be  shut down due to lack of interest. It was consistently in the  bottom 2 , out of 40 sections, for page views. In one quarter we took it to #7! Knowing that thousands of people around the world were reading the chiropractic  message brought tears to my eyes. ATH is truly my greatest triumph during chiropractic school. I plan on being editor for years to come and continue to spread a positive chiropractic message with ATH as a major tool to do so. ATH goes hand in hand with giving talks at conferences. I love public speaking, it is almost a sick inner drive to push myself further and spread the message. Telling the story is my calling and I do not care if it is one person or an auditorium they need to know, they deserve to know, and I WILL tell them!

Chiropractic school brought many tears, sleepless nights, raging sympathetics yet the greatest reqrd.  Graduation last week was surreal. I was completely shaking walking into the auditorium. I thought my knees were going to give out and that I was going to make a complete fool out of myself. Winning the Virgil Strang award  brought some blood flow back to my extremities and reciting the oath  was magical.  My emotions are all  over the place however I have not had any time to allow them to surface. As soon as my family left town I started packing my life into boxes.  Packing away memories some into containers others kept close in my heart. Next week, when I am alone, I will process everything from the last several weeks and years.  This chapter has ended and a more important chapter is just getting started.  Each memory, meeting and idea provided by the universe is now guiding me to Santa Barbara. IT will be the epi-center for everything Genuine Chiropractic. I am so nervous, scared, excited and pretty much every emotion in between.  Learning from the past,  I am  moving forward and hoping  to better recognize clues from the universe and be in tune more with my own innate intelligence.

Thank you Palmer and San Jose for allowing me to become a Doctor of Chiropractic. A title in which I hold very near and dear to my heart. I feel the weight of the responsibility before me and trust that the universe will guide me and provide me with the best opportunities. IT is time to go out and change the world!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Step Into The Future

Step into the Future

The future is super bright for chiropractic and TRUE health care! It is time we move out of this sinking ship, which should be called sick care “Health care” as it is currently used, is false advertising. There is nothing healthy about taking drugs to treat symptoms. All this is doing is covering up those symptoms and never addresses the cause. If your car’s check engine light turns on are you going to cover it up with duct tape or figure out what is wrong with it? Eventually if you ignore the check engine light the car will have serious problems and may stop running. If you are going to do this for your car, shouldn’t you get regular checkups for your body starting with its most crucial system, the nervous system? Chiropractors address the cause of disease, spinal subluxation and adjust these areas allowing the nervous system to flow freely and thus the body can heal its self. This is an inside-out approach rather than the allopathic solutions involving drugs and even surgery.

On November 16, 2012 14 students from 5 of the U.S. chiropractic colleges came together at Life West Chiropractic College for an event called Step into the Future. IT was the first ever all student speaking event and truly the best chiropractic seminar I have ever attended. In a matter of weeks the visionary students behind this event gained sponsorship, used social media to advertise and have over 150 people show up on a Friday night. This is a perfect example of how a beautiful vision can manifest when the right intention is put into the universe along with appropriate action behind it.

The energy in the room was electric! I have attended some of the largest chiropractic seminars and conferences in the world but this one felt different. The atmosphere was free from ego and full of love and understanding. Each speaker was so vulnerable yet comfortable and when these two elements combined it was magical!

Topics ranged from neurology, love based decision making to very personal inspirational stories. The underlying theme was pure chiropractic. The principles came to life as the night progressed with each speaker’s talk innately building upon the previous speaker’s topic.

On a personal level, I was deeply moved not only by the other speakers but by my peers in general. Everyone was so excited to spend their Friday evening at this event. They were welcoming and truly wanted to hear each word from the person on the stage. After finishing my talk I stood in the back for the next five speakers, I was so pumped up that I could not sit down!

What I learned

Step into the future pushed me to a new level. The next day after some research I started writing my memoir. I have decided to write approximately 750 words each day and every new entry is a new story from my life. At the end of January I am going to read through the entries, edit them and put the best stories together into a book. It is an extremely emotional process and coupled with next week’s graduation very intense but last Friday’s event gave me the extra boost I needed. For years people have been asking me to write a book but the task always seemed too overwhelming. After presenting my story Friday as well as at the WOW factor and Chiropractic Connect Conference I realized I have a story to tell and even if it only helps one person I am achieving the goal that drives my personal philosophy and purpose statement.  That one person who is touched is reason enough for me to take time each day and just tell a story through the art of writing and I have my peers to thank for providing me with confidence to move forward in this end ever.

The future of chiropractic

I am so impressed and inspired by my contemporaries. There is zero doubt in my mind that chiropractic is safe in the hands of this generation of chiropractors. We are grounded in the principles and will fight for our profession to stay free from the failed model of drugs and surgery. I believe in five, ten, twenty plus years we will refer back to this first step into the future event and tell future chiropractic students about our accomplishments that stemmed  out of such an amazing experience. One evening when students set aside their books, stress about exams and financial troubles and stood up for what is right in the world… that is making sure that future generations have the best health care options through a profession that maintains its drugless status.  A shift occurred that night and everyone involved was forever changed.  As we spread out across the world we will all deliver the messages and lessons we learned that night and help save the world from a failed allopathic model. We are the future, we are willing to come together in a loving place and work in collaboration to change the planet.

I am so honored to be a part of this group of students and as I transition from student to practicing chiropractor, next week, I feel safe in that I am stepping into the future with tremendous individuals ready to protect the profession and impact the world. Thank you to everyone who showed up BIG and I am so excited to see what we all do in the future! I am grateful to be part of such a loving group… my chiropractic family.


Saturday, October 20, 2012

Doctored- Get Informed!

This week I viewed the documentary ‘Doctored’ (formally known as ‘Medical Inc). It begins and ends talking about chiropractic and the American Medical Association’s “committee on quackery” and their “contain and eliminate” campaign. Yes, that is right, the AMA conspired to eliminate the chiropractic profession. This resulted in a 14 year long lawsuit that the chiropractors WON!

Here are some other health related  documentary films I recommend
*Food Inc
* King Corn
* Food Matters
* Forks Over Knives
* Sweet Misery
* The Greater Good
* Burzynski
·         Supersize me
·         Fat Sick and Nearly Dead
·         Fast-food Nation
·         Cut, Poison, Burn

Upcoming Films
·          Life, Adjusted

The first step to improving your life and your health is through education. The information is out there, you just have to see through the haze of the pharmaceutical commercials and genetically modified food crisscrossing our landscape. The films listed above are all eye opening documentaries into our food supply, fast food, vaccines and cancer treatment. It is truly what is considered health care in the United States. The United States spends more than any other country, in the world, on health care but we are ranked#47 in the world in terms of overall health. This does not make any sense! It is time to move from sick care to a true health care model, chiropractic can and will lead the way into this paradigm shift.

Resources For Health Articles
·         All Things Healing
·         Mercola
·         Natural News
·         Natural Society

·         Environmental Working Group
·         Cornucopia Institute
·         Green Med Info

Get informed and make the BEST decisions possible for your family! All of the pages above have daily or weekly newsletters that will provide you with accurate health news and assist you in making health related decisions.