Monday, September 28, 2015

First public #yoga offering in #SantaBarbara

First public #yoga offering!

When the universe provides you wit a clear sign, opportunity, or offering… totally go for it! Saturday, I had returned from an intense kick boxing training session and level 2-3 power yoga class, when my friend aske I to substitute teach her afternoon yoga class. Without hesitation I recognized this as a sign from the universe and said, “yes”!
There was no real time to prepare and even the few things I considered doing I scrapped after checking in with each student. What made the experience extra special is that Amanda, the person I learned yoga from and took privates from for a year, was there for my first public offering! I love how the entire yoga journey came full circle.  It was so sweet and special and as I closed the class a flood of emotions came over me! I thought, “Wow! This is really happening…I am now a yoga teacher!”
When you step into your truth, finding your authentic expression, you are powerful! Yoga feels so genuine for me to be teaching… I love sharing information about anatomy, teaching lifelong health tips, engaging students in active ways to balance their nervous system, and having fun while doing it. My sight does not matter in this practice, I can feel the energy of each student and tap into what they need in that moment.  This practice has taught me so much about myself and capabilities.  Taking challenges and Turning them into assets is my soul’s purpose. Yoga allows me to be creative and when authentic creativity is expressed… you can manifest anything! However, I must caution, I believe this should be done from the most grounded place possible. Having morning rituals that include things like writing in a journal, meditation, movement, healthy food all after a good night’s rest will allow for positive creativity and true expression. Otherwise, your truth may not be fully authentic and therefore you will create the opposite of wat you are seeking. Each thought, each word, and every action is felt and reflected in all of the cells of the body. When you are positive and living in a state of gratitude you are vibrating on the highest frequency… the frequency of love! Then, and only then, can you tap into your fullest potential and live the life you have imagined.
I am so grateful each day for my chiropractic practice , for my hands allowing me to help others heal, all of my senses, yoga, family, and community. It is form this state of gratitude that I meditate and pray, creating exactly what I want tin this life.
You are capable of reaching any goal! How can you live a more authentic life? I believe in you and believe that you can speak your truth, get clear, be inspired, and cultivate vitalism.

In love & light,
Dr. Elizabeth Wisniewski

Ow are you living an authentic life? What changes do you need to make in order to turn any challenge you are experiencing into an asset? Comment below on this blog and become part of this important, life changing conversation!


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Rich Rituals

Morning Rituals

In order to show up bigger for myself, my patients, and everyone in my life I knew that I needed to create morning rituals, or as one of my mentors Dr. Leslie Hewitt of the WOW (Women of Wellness) Talks calls them…”rich-uals”! Almost all successful people have morning rituals that allow them to serve more people, get more creative, and live the life they have always imagined. I thought that I first needed to get clear and then star the morning rituals, but all along the rituals would be helping me gain the clarity I so desired.
During our 200 hour yoga teacher training with Amber Campion, we were required to do 40 days of “morning pages” as directed in the book ‘The Artists Way’ along with a 10 minute “Magic Mindset meditation” created by Amber. This was a game changer! I needed the accountability of the training to hold myself to this idea of writing and meditating every morning but now several months in, I cannot live without these two tools.
I wanted to start writing again, in the past I had articles published in 5-6 magazines, journals, on-line communities but no longer felt like I had the time. I had even stopped writing on this blog! The morning pages forced me to start writing again and now that I am in this flow, I am finally beginning to blog again and coming up with new article ideas. Essentially, the morning pages is channeling my creativity and for that I am super grateful!
Now, when my alarm on my phone goes off it says out loud to me, “Good morning, Dr. Elizabeth! Time for yoga, meditation, and writing in your journal”. Come to think of it, I need to switch the order because that is the opposite of what I do. First, I brain dump my morning pages and it is not usually pretty but it allows me to move any negative feelings or emotions on to the page and then be more positive in my daily life. Next, I meditate and it is usually 20 minutes at this point, I then pray for several minutes. The next step is I fill out my logs which are categorized of what I eat, exercise, self-care like massage o reiki, what I did the day before. It is a form of accountability and came out of writing in my morning pages one day. Finally, I will get some gentle movement through a home yoga practice.
These activities allow my mind, body, and spirit to unite and feel more connected with universal intelligence. It allows me to communicate with greater clarity from an open and loving heart space. It forces me to be more kind to myself and therefore to others no matter the circumstance. Overall, these rich-uals allow me to tap further into my authentic self and soul’s purpose.
Each day, in each decision, I want to take a breath and recognize I am moving closer or further away from my personal purpose statement. My purpose is this, “To give, love, serve my community through chiropractic care. To tell the chiropractic story, as well as my own story, as a source of inspiration throughout the world.” I have been using this statement for over five years but I am feeling in my heart space that it is time to be tweaked a little bit! It has served its purpose but there is always room for growth and expansion! This is what it boils down to this s my vitality tincture, how can I serve more people from the most authentic loving place?

What are your morning rituals or do you need to create rituals? I guarantee they will change your life and allow you to life from a more authentic space of love and gratitude. Please comment below this blog!

In love & light,

Dr. Elizabeth Wisniewski

Monday, September 21, 2015

Graduating from Yoga Teacher Training

Show up bigger and cultivate vitalism daily

Yesterday I graduated from my 200 hour yoga teacher training and personal development course lead by Amber Campion out of Santa Cruz, CA
As I am still processing the experience, it is difficult to put it into words however I will give it a shot today!
After a year of weekly private yoga sessions, countless yoga classes, personal training, and a lifetime of experiences I decided to step out of my comfort zone and enter a yoga teacher training in March 2015. I was super excited to be part of it, for my practice Genuine Chiropractic to be providing the education on anatomy and physiology, and really to see how I could improve my personal yoga  practice. I underestimated the journey I was about to take and how profound of a life experience it would end up providing. I was not clear whether or not I actually wanted to teach yoga but saw it as an opportunity to increase my knowledge since I take care of a lot of yoga teachers and students each day in my chiropractic office.
Well, everything happens for a reason. The past six months has been quite the journey for me personally and each member of our little tribe. It brought out shadow sides, revealing parts o ourselves we keep hidden, run away from, and deny existence to. It forced us to go in deep, become vulnerable, and practice hard but with intention. It was emotionally fatiguing, physically demanding, and spiritually intense journey of self-exploration and personal development. Like anything truly worthwhile in life, you MUST word on it and practice daily. This training was a constant reminder of that important lesson and provided just enough structure to guide us but also enough room to be creative!       
Our tribe of 9 became so close over the months and formed lifelong bonds that can never be broken. We held each other when someone cried and found that through break downs, break-ups, we could all help each other recognize the break through. It is only the break through that allows us to move forward on our clear path and to live the life we have imagined.
We learned that there is not always an answer, not always a cure, but there is always a lesson. Sometimes the lesson is not clear to us, but a member of your community or tribe can point it out and provide guidance. That is exactly what we did for each other, which allowed for expansion and heart opening. Acknowledging that shadow side, bringing it forth and then shedding light on it… but only if we chose to do so. Amber reminded us over and over that choice is always our next option. It was only in our last moments together yesterday that I realized how profound the journey from dark to light had been for me over the past six months.

To my tribe: I thank you for pulling me out of just being “Dr. Elizabeth” and helped me find “Bethy” again. They say we are the sum of the five people we spend the most time with, and I am so proud to have spent so much time with each of you. My heart misses each of you already but knows that you are each going to be absolutely amazing yoga teachers! I cannot wait to take your classes over and years and to see how we can collaborate together on projects.
I am so thrilled to start this next chapter now and to add yoga teacher to my list of certifications… but even more so, to my dearest memories. In each moment, in each breath, we have an option to move backwards into our shadow or to move forward… have a break through… and to shed light on the world? How can you show up more for yourself each day? In doing this, you will be able to show up more for others and to help them cultivate vitalism in every aspect of their lives.


Dr. Elizabeth Wisniewski