Sunday, October 7, 2012

Practicing Balance

Ah Sunday afternoon… relaxing, sipping tea, listening to peaceful music and writing. In the evening I often meditate, work out and cook dinner with friends. All in an effort to set the tone for the upcoming week. Sunday is my time to check-in with myself. Did I achieve balance? Did I get everything done that I needed to ? Where am I struggling? The answer to the first question regarding balance is always no, yet each week I start over and practice finding that balance.

When I was in the  lower quarters at Palmer, taking over 30 credits per quarter, I always thought that finally in upper quarters I would get to relax. I was so wrong! My final quarter at Palmer is proving to be the busiest. Working at my preceptorship several days a week, seeing patients in the clinic, working on everything that must be done to start a practice, figuring out how and when to move, making the quotas for my editor position at All Things Healing and then making sure I meet all the responsibilities for the clubs and organizations I am a member of. That is all part of my professional life and balancing that alone is a chore, but super fun and rewarding! My personal life takes a huge hit, due to my professional ambitions, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make right now. What I am striving for is to have enough balance between my professional and personal lives that I am truly happy.

Here is what I expect from myself each day:
Writing- affirmations, goals, blog posts, articles or what I am grateful for.
Writing at least one thank you card or email .
Green smoothie.

This is what is important to me! I know if I can do these things each day then I can practice more balance in my life. Graduating from chiropractic school is going to be one of the biggest days of my life. It is something I have been preparing to do for many years. As I talked about in previous blogs “positive transition” times of change are super difficult. This is truly the most exciting time of my life. I am so excited to bring my message of vitalism and chiropractic to the Santa Barbara area!



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