Monday, July 14, 2014

Why do children get adjusted?

Why should children get adjusted? This is a question we often are asked, in our practice. The answer is very simple… birth is often the most traumatic experience of a person’s life!
Depending on the type of birth upwards of 140 pounds of pressure are used (vacuum extraction) to pull the baby’s head and neck. This pulls on the spine directly and stretches the nerves. (Fact: the nervous system is not fully developed until approximately 9 months) So it is during this process that the first spinal subluxation may occur. This is a good example of “trauma” as a cause of subluxation, with the other 2 being toxins and thoughts (autosuggestions)
At Genuine Chiropractic we specialize in the Webster technique, used for expectant mothers, and also care for new borns. The pressure used to adjust a newborn is the same pressure you would use to test a ripe tomato. It is extremely gentle and can have a profound impact.
When subluxations are left in the spine over time the process of dysfunction, dis-ease, disease, and eventually cell death will occur. This is because the nervous system controls EVERYTHING in the body so when there is interference in the nerve flow because of a spinal subluxation we are unable to reach our full potential in health and balance.
To learn more about Genuine Chiropractic please visit our website at or call us at 805.285.2712

We look forward to serving you and your entire family.

In Love & Light,
Dr. Elizabeth Wisniewski
Follow us on Twitter @genuinechiro

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