Sunday, July 3, 2016

The Core of Courage, Part 2

The Core of Courage: Part 2

For the past several weeks, while in meditation, the word “courage” dances around in my mind.  I quickly realized that I cannot hide from it, forget it, run away nor neglect courage. I must wrap my arms around courage, embrace it with my entire heart, and understand its presence within my soul
The great Thomas Aquinas taught that we have two souls, one that is grand and another which is petty. Living from our grand soul is truly what is authentic for us. The grand soul is quite generous, warm, and big-hearted. Likewise, acting from the petty soul causes us to act from a place of fear, scarcity, bitterness, caution, and even perhaps paranoia. Both souls are us, however we often justify our actions, sensitivities, and reactions based on appeasing the petty soul.
Earlier this week I finally found the courage to listen to an interview I gave for the WOW (Women of wellness) Talks over two years ago.  I had never wanted to listen to it because I was afraid to hear my own voice, thought I would sound dumb as a very new doctor at the time, and I simply lacked the confidence to truly listen to myself.  Finally, this past week, I was ready… and it opened my heart! I find it fascinating when we can learn from the past, especially when the past involves our own words of wisdom.  Listening to this interview took courage, but what I gained from it was a sense of even deeper compassion for myself. I gained life perspective, confidence, and even clarity in my authentic self / journey.  That interview captured my grand soul and showed me something that I had innately been working on and needed to fully overcome.
In this interview I said that I am often “hypersensitive” and I used it against myself in a very negative way. That term is not unique to me but it is also not authentic to me. Yes, I am a more sensitive being… cancer sun sign with a Scorpio moon. I am water, I am always changing, I am fluid, and I am sensitive. But, am I hypersensitive or are those words that had been used in fits of anger against me?  Was I reflecting my grand soul or petty soul?
I listened to the interview twice to make sure that I heard myself correctly. Yes, I was having moments of negative self-talk with this hypersensitive identification.  Perhaps, and I know that this is true, I have been overly sensitive.  I used that sensitivity as an excuse to climb into my shell, scuttle away, shut myself down, and use silence as a weapon.  I felt bitterness for all of my eyes surgeries and for watching my mother die when I was 14. I felt triggered by holidays, certain dates, remarks, and during arguments with loved ones / lovers.  I was hypersensitive and using that label for the gain of my petty soul while discrediting my grand souls intentions.
Over the past 16 months I have cultivated daily meditation / prayer, journaling, yoga, and other personal development tools. I have read dozens of books, completed a yoga teacher training, and teach yoga regularly.  These practices although far from perfect, have fed my grand soul and overall have enriched my life.  I am okay that I cannot see, I am grateful for the time I had with my mother, and I love the practice of life.
It takes courage to “unlabeled” yourself from a term like “hypersensitivity” and live an authentic, big-hearted life.  It takes courage to call your petty soul out, go in deep and make changes, and to know that every single day your petty soul will try to distract you. It takes courage to be more generous, loving, kind, whole hearted, and accepting of sensitivities. The grand soul wants to play big, love hard, and live the life that you have imagined. Trust your intuition and you will always be living from the core of your courage and expressing the desires of your grand soul.
Nobody has the right to label you!  Your self-labels are fluid, dynamic and deserve your attention. Right now I identify as the following: Vitalistic Visionary and paradigm shifter. These are expressions of my grand soul and my plan is to share them with the world. Show up bigger and better for yourself each and every day.  So many of us live from a place of fear, pragmatism, or scarcity. Are these your labels or somebody else’s?  How can you tap further into your grand soul? What is the most authentic expression that demonstrates living from your heart? How can you be more courageous?

Dedicated to authenticity,
Dr. Elizabeth m. Wisniewski
Vitalistic Visionary, Yoga Teacher, Chiropractor

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