Monday, June 24, 2013

Ecstatic Life Expression!

Following one of my intense dance sessions, I have had several people come up to me only to be totally shocked that I cannot see! It is beyond their comprehension that a sightless person can dance, twirl, spin, and follow a partner without being able to see subtle visual cues .  This is somewhat comical to me because I do not think of it as being strange or out of the realm of possibility but to others it is amazing. As I reflect upon it I realize several things:

1 When you let innate guide you , you are less likely to trip, fall, hurt yourself and miss a beat!
2 You must create a certain amount of vulnerability to allow another person to be your eyes so that you do not hit anyone dancing around you. This vulnerability is imbedded within a sacred bond that must be seeded in both trust in that individual and the universe.
3 There are no limitations to what you can accomplish in life! You absolutely do not need vision to hear music, feel the rhythm, and move your body.
4When you nervous system has no interference due to spinal subluxations, you are able to fully embrace and immerse yourself in the music and connect with it on a purely energetic level.
5 Finally, every person deserves to have fun and express that genetic potential through the arts. Whether you enjoy dancing, playing music, painting, drawing, writing, or cooking. These are all manifestations of your potential so allow them to flow through your body and guide you in the right direction.

Recently,, I have started going to Ecstatic Dance a couple of times a week. It is my new favorite activity! The rules are simple, come from a place of love, no shoes, and no talking! It is a beautiful, spiritual, and sacred experience that connects your body, mind, and spirit. It is greatly enhanced when the body is free from nervous system interference and you are able to fully connect with your authentic self. 

I love Ecstatic Dance because it is a great workout, I can practice some meditation on the sideline when my body needs a break but my spirit needs to be even more connected. The music is intense, spiritual, and creates an energy in the room that resonates with all the cells of the body. Increasing their vibration, one by one, until all seventy trillion plus cells of the  body are vibrating on a higher level and raising the vibration of the planet. It is powerful and an experience that I treasure in my own genuine heart space.

Joyful creative expression is always enhanced when innate is flowing freely. Trust innate, feel the vital energy of every cell of the body, and pour that love and light out into the universe. Find pleasure in your painful challenges and live the life you have imagined.

ADIO Love,
Dr. Elizabeth


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