Thursday, June 27, 2013

Listen to your Body

Pain may hurt, but stress can kill you! Our society enjoys and relies on instant gratification.  If you want to know the latest news you can click a few buttons on your  smart phone. If you want “food” you can pop it in the microwave. If you are in pain, you can take a pill. This is all symptom control and never addresses the root of the issue It limits us from experiencing other cultures for ourselves, eating real food, and from listening to the intuition that the body is constantly offering but we more frequently ignore.

Similar to taking pain killers, just receiving chiropractic adjustments when you are experiencing pain is not an equation for lifelong health. Yes, you will most likely feel better and have little to no pain however, if you do not address your lifestyle, you will continue along the path of crisis intervention instead of achieving health independence. Regular chiropractic care is part of the path to independence, because health is a process not an event!

It is time to look at pain and other symptoms as warning signals from the body, not something to be covered up. These signals should be listened to, they begin in whispers but if ignored long enough the body will scream at you by manifesting disease states. Since we cannot selectively numb feelings, emotions, or symptoms when we take pills we are turning down that important inner voice. This is dangerous because we need to listen to the body and make changes, get adjusted, in order to truly heal.

I encourage you to think of symptoms in a new way, not as something negative, but as your body having an important conversation with you regarding your own state of health. The body is very intelligent and it is time we quiet the mind, and spend time thinking about what our body is communicating. Chiropractic adjustments allow for proper nervous system communication because the brain and body which allows us to really listen in on the conversation our body is constantly trying to communicate. Get your  spine checked regularly and listen when the body whispers to you!

ADIO Love,
Dr. Elizabeth

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