Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Setting Intentions in 2014

January is the time that we set goals and resolutions. Many of these goals and resolutions are centered around health, fitness, and weight loss. The problem with this traditional goal setting that after one slip-up we tend to go back to our old ways and wait until the next new year to try over. This creates a culture of failure, disappointment, and frustration. I would like to propose a new way of thinking about the New Year, it is setting intentions instead of goals. This way if you have a day or two where you do workout or eat the best food you are still able to move forward without feeling like a failure. This idea also plays into the 100 Year Lifestyle principle, “think progress, not perfection.”
When you set an intention to become healthier you are putting this information out into the universe. You are actually changing your own biochemistry with your thoughts and intentions and already cultivating better health. One of my favorite nerdy quotes I heard once at a conference is “There are only two things in this world that are all or nothing… action potentials and pregnancy.” Meaning that if you miss a day of working out it does not destroy all of the hard work you put in leading up to that day. You can just workout the next day and work toward personal health intentions.
Genuine Chiropractic is a great place to foster your intentions in the New Year. Both chiropractors have special times for nutritional consultations, will provide information about how to live your own ideal 100 Year Lifestyle, make specific spinal adjustments creating true health from the inside-out, and can refer you to the proper community health leaders for further assistance such as personal trainers.
Please join us on Wednesday January 15 at 6pm for a special workshop “A Healthy New You” to be held in the office 214 E. De La Guerra. Dr. Jacob will be giving a health talk, personal trainer Kevin Long will lead participants through a core strength and stability test as well as a workout. Chair massage will be available by our intern Shane, and other fun community health leaders will be dropping by and providing key information. If you want to set healintentions for 2014, then attending this workshop is critical! Everyone at Genuine Chiropractic look forward to serving you, as well as your entire family so that you may live your own ideal 100 Year Lifestyle and be a thriving member of the Santa Barbara community!

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