Monday, July 15, 2013

Don't Cover the Symptoms!s

A “band-aid” is never a good solution!

When we first moved into the new house the washing machine flooded the entire kitchen on the first run. It turned out the pressure hose was cut in two and there was no negative feedback loop to stop the barrel from filling with water. (Okay, so these were not the repair man’s exact words, but I had to have it make sense in my brain so putting into more physiological terms helped!) Instead of ordering the correct length, special order, hose he put two hoses together and wrapped them with some sort of insulation. Well… a month and a half in and the flooding started again! As I was scooping out the water cup by cup from the barrel and dumping it down the bathroom sink, as to stop the flooding, I realized this is crazy! The cause of the issue was never really addressed and the machine was going to return to its broken state.

This is just like the body! You cannot  cover up the symptoms and expect health. The dis-ease and disease will manifest and these are warning signs that must be recognized and addressed.  We do not settle for our appliances or cars to be half fixed, right? Well our bodies are much more important than a washing machine so sitting around waiting for health will not work! You must take action, feed your body, move, and breathe! Things like pain killers are temporarily and will never get the cause of the problem.

Your nervous system controls every cell, tissue, organ , and other system of the body! Spinal adjustments remove pressure and stress to this nervous system so that you can live an optimal life! This is truly addressing the root cause of dis-ease and will allow for the fullest expression of life.  You would not tolerate a repair person covering the symptoms, would you? Then taken care of your body, get adjusted regularly, and live the 100 year lifestyle!

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