Thursday, April 3, 2014

Come Stress Away With Me

April is national stress awareness month, what are you doing to manage your stress am going to show you, in this blog, the ways I manage stress. There many techniques I use so some may work better for you than others. I hope that you find a new idea from reading this blog that will help you reduce your stress load and live a happier, healthier life!

Here are the ways I manage my stress on a daily basis:
1 Have my spine & nervous system checked regularly by my fabulous chiropractor, Dr. Jacob! This balances my nervous system and allow for optimum function of every cell, tissue, organ, and organ system. Just because I am getting checked does not always mean I am adjusted, however because of my active lifestyle and career I often have a couple subluxations.
2 Massage: I aim for one massage per week but sometimes it is more and sometimes it less. Depending on life circumstances I may get more of a medical massage, Swedish, or Raindrop technique with Young Living Essential oils.
3 Exercise: The past 3 weeks have been strange but normally I work out 3 -4 days a week with one of my trainers. It is always a good mixture of strength and endurance training for the entire body. I also practice yoga once a week with my private yoga teacher and attend a few class a week in addition.
4 Meditation: Part of my meditation is during yoga and the rest is in prayer at home or church. It may be more of a chop wood, carry water meditation when I am doing chores but I always take time for self-reflection.
5 Water: I drink a TON of water every day! Hydration is key to a healthy life.
6 Good food: In Santa Barbara it is easy to get good food. I pick up items at 3 -4 farmers markets a week. Everything I have is organic and local so it makes it easy to eat healthy!
7 Vitamins: I do take some vitamins and depending on the day I may take certain ones over others. I use the company Standard Process because they are organic and whole food based vitamins. Therefore the body recognized them as food and can actually use them unlike most store bought petroleum based vitamins.

So, everything listed above is part of my daily rituals. Rituals are so important to maximizing your health and longevity I know I listed massage and it is only once a week but on the normal days when I am not getting work from a massage therapist I foam roll, use a Theracane, and do other self-care techniques so I wanted to include it on my daily ritual list. You may notice I did not put sleep. This is a personal struggle and one that I am actively working on because I know that I do not get enough sleep. I am start to accept that perhaps my body needs less during the night time and then needs a nap in the day and that is how it functions best.

Here are some things I do often but not every day to help manage stress:
1 Bio feedback: I did about ten intense weeks of “perception reprograming” at the Chari Center of Health after the New Year. Now I am spacing it out to ever three weeks or so just to maintain my progress and keep digging deeper into my subconscious.
2 Theta healing: this is a sporadic practice but always profound, I have previous blog posts on this topic.
3 Sound healing bath: This is a modality I am embracing more and more. I have only had one personal sound bath and other during yoga class or a group sound bath. It is an excellent way to dig deep within your heart space and meditate.
4 Relaxing at home: I should do this every day! I just got another salt lamp for the living room, so now there is one on either side of the couch. The negative ions they release are powerful, cleansing, and create a calm environment. I also love to burn incense, play music, and now have an essential oil diffuser in the living room. I love embracing my other senses with sound, smell, and feeling. My living room has many textures as well so it really embraces the senses.
5 Essential oils: This will shortly be moving to the daily ritual section of my life! I just received my first shipment from Young Living essential oils. I got the starter kit which came with a diffuser, a total of 11 oils, books, and samples of other products. They have a blend, in the starter kit, called “stress away” and it is quite lovely!
6 Beach time: Once a week I practice yoga at the beach. It is a beautiful way to connect with Mother Nature, listen to the waves, get some liquid movement, and meditate. I feel very fortunate to be so close to the ocean.

Another fun new thing is Earthjing Tea! I met Charles of Earthjing at an event a few weeks back and had a meeting with him the other day. This tea is certified organic, fair trade, and amazing! One of the blends has cacao and coconut in it… it is this seriously health fatty yummy tea!  I recommend their products to

I provided many examples of how I attempt to manage stress in my life. I am very far from perfect but make a huge effort to be the healthiest version of myself I can be.  I would love to help you do the same! Make an appoint by visiting or call 805.285.2712

Adio Love,
Dr. Elizabeth

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