Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Practicing Life

My yoga practice is when all of the events of the day come together to create a snapshot of that day to be stored in my memory for safe keeping.
Since losing most of my sight, I have realized that the way I now think is much different than how I use to think and definitely different from others. My thoughts will come in rather stream of consciences stream but if you wait long enough I will connect all of the dots for you! Meaning, that at the beginning it may seem random but by the end it will be well organized, well thought out, and you will get your answer. It is a way I role model patience, understanding, and that all people do not think the same way.  I am creating this linear, yet nonlinear, picture of words, phrases, and photos in my mind’s eye. Pulling from my memory files, based on real life experiences, and presenting the listener with a huge idea.
There are several ways that this sort of thought process is able to take place:
1 I have an optimized nervous system through regular chiropractic adjustments.
2 I eat a clean diet mostly of local foods and always organic. I juice, drink green smoothies, and make a lot of meals, condiments, drinks from scratch.
3 I exercise regularly. Normally I exercise with one of my personal trainers 3 -4 days a week, 1 day a week with my private yoga teacher, and take 2 -3 additional yoga classes a week.  This gives me time to move energy and negative thought patterns out of my life. The more I exercise, the happier I am!
4 Meditation – some of this is “chop wood, carry water” when I doing house work like washing dishes. Most of my meditation is during the end of my ova practice but I also meditate when I am praying in church and receiving a sound healing bath.

All the items I outlined above are thing that really help me be able to express myself fully, and from the heart. I have found that my mind and body need me to move a lot of energy through physical exercise. Obviously some days work outs are much harder than others. I practice a variety of styles of yoga and am sure to get in a yen / restorative class once a week to maintain that balance. I also make it a practice to get Theta (energy) healing, acupuncture, sound baths whenever I can. I am fortunate to have a lifestyle that permits for all of these amazing modalities. Whatever your lifestyle is and the time you allow for your own personal health find something that works for you! Maybe it is reading a book each night. Perhaps it is walking your dog. There are so many ways to meditate, relax, and tap into your own potential and heart space. My way is not going to be right for everyone but it works for me and I am always pushing myself to be a better version of myself and the healthiest version of myself. This is all we can ask for in our human experience.
What choices can you make today, and every day, to be happier and healthier? I outlined many examples in this post, try one of them today! This may require stepping out of your comfort zone but that is a good thing! There is always a first time for everything so make your health a priority. What are you waiting for?
Finally, I fully acknowledge I have my flaws, failures, and faults. They are all learning experiences. The purpose of my blog is not to feel better about myself but to role model that anything is possible! I know that if I can be a doctor without being able to see, that dreams can come true but it is takes hard work, dedication, effort, and resilience. I have been very emotionally fragile in the past following 30 eye surgeries and the death of my mother when I was 14. But now, I have been healing from Above, Down, Inside-Out. I took complete responsibility for my life, happiness, and health. I want to encourage others to do the same so I show vulnerability by putting this information out there I am serving a greater purpose learned through practicing yoga, meditation, prayer, and intense exercise that I communicate, feel, think differently and a lot of it is from losing my sight. Through coming into deeper appreciation for myself and the unique world experience I am having, I have been so inspired to lead, encourage, and inspire others to always strive to reach their own personal greatest potential!  

I would greatly appreciate your comments, questions, suggestions below this blog post. Follow my blog and on Twitter @genuine chiro

ADIO Love,
Dr. Elizabeth Wisniewski


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