Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Only Over Commit To Your Health!

Do you commit without over committing? This is a daily challenge for many people. Knowing when to say “no” because you already have too much on your plate is crucial to living a full, active, and happy life.
Over the years I have struggled with this and over committed during graduate school to many organizations and clubs. At one point I was taking over 30 credits / quarter, had 2 national positions with chiropractic organizations, and was president of several clubs on campus. I barely slept and then was too tired to exercise. I stopped eating the way I knew I should and my health greatly suffered. At one point when I entered clinic as a student doctor my entire body broke out in hives from the stress. It was not until a couple months after graduation that I started to regain control of my life.
Following graduation I moved down here and started eating completely organic again. I was juicing every day, doing a couple Standard Process protocols to rebuild my adrenal glands, getting adjusted several times a week, and started to work out regularly again. It has been a very slow process of regaining and reclaiming my health but I feel like a completely different person than I did a year and half ago.
If you have read any of my previous posts, articles, or know me, then you know that I believe there are four things every person should do.

1 Get some sort of movement every day. This can be a walk, run, yoga, strength training, etc.
2 Eat REAL food. This means local, certified organic, and NOT processed! This also includes drinking green juice, green smoothies, eating fermented foods, as well as a balance between raw and cooked vegetables for optimal health.
3 Take time to check in with your body. This can be through prayer, meditation, or even a mindfulness practice. I love yoga because it for the physical activity but you are also able to spend the time during your practice tapped into your heart space.
4 GET ADJUSTED! This is VERY important! Adjustments take pressure and stress off the nervous system which is essential for living a happy, healthy, long life. The nervous system controls every cell, tissue, organ, and other body system so having it function at its full potential is critical.

At Genuine Chiropractic the only “diet” or nutrition plan we endorse is to eat real food.  Processed, packaged “food” will always lead to poor health. Likewise, lack of movement will lead to poor health. Spending a short amount of time meditating each day instead of sitting on the couch watching TV will greatly increase and enhance your overall health and it is a very simple thing to change. Look for healthy things to add into your current life instead of trying to take everything bad out of it at the beginning.
Check in with yourself and see what feels like to add in today. Drink one more glass of water than you’re normally drink. Have a glass of green juice or an extra serving of vegetables with dinner. Make your own salad dressing. Find a guided meditation on youtube to listen to and follow. There are so many ways to use your smart phone to keep track of exercise and food intake. You are already most likely on your phone all of the time any way so use it to improve your health!

Comments, questions, suggestions please leave below this blog post. Click the follow button and also follow me on Twitter @genuinechiro

ADIO Love,
Dr. Elizabeth Wisniewski


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