Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Digging Deep and Trusting Innate

Being congruent with the chiropractic lifestyle is an important part of living in alignment with your authentic self.  Finding that balance can be challenging, scary and difficult butconsistant  practice will bring you closer with whom you are meant to be.

Here is my truth
1 I love being a chiropractor, there is nothing else I would rather do with my life.
2 I am meant to serve the less privileged people of the world through chiropractic care.
3  I adore  sharing the chiropractic story through writing.
4 I truly enjoy speaking to large groups, as well as individually, to people about chiropractic.
5 The universe took my sight away to give me the vision and purpose in life.
6 I have SO much I wish to share with the world.
7 Heart space communication is how I innately connect with others, building a foundation of trust, love and understanding.

As I move into alignment with my authentic self I am experiencing normal human emotions. Am I following the correct path? Should I stay here? Should I follow my innate to the unknown? What is the right decision for me? It boils down to can I live with the decision I make and find joy in it?  Decisions need to be made for you and innate is the guide.

I know that heart space communication is best. This communication is most difficult when you feel alone but that is when you have to dig the deepest.  Can you find it in yourself to persist knowing that innate is always perfect and that it will guide you to the right decision? I keep saying I live with a  up fibrous root systems. I like them because I can pull up parts of them and take my experiences with me to my next spot along my journey. I thought I was wanting to set up a tap root system but I am beginning to think fibrous is perfect, for me. The way my mind works I am realizing I am not meant to sit still. When I am still I am bored. This does not mean that you should not take time to do important things like meditate, it means some people like the stress in life and thrive under it. I am totally one of these people.  My hands cannot be idol, they need to be adjusting people, writing or cooking beautiful organic food. My hands are my eyes and I cherish them. My hands allow me to do the things I love even though under all normal convention and social norms I cannot see.  It is the fibrous root system that has helped me gain so many amazing experiences and keeps me seeking  knowledge, with innate as the driver.

I am learning who I am right now at this point in my life. My authentic self is constantly peeking through the confusion and I am falling in love with my authentic self. I am digging deep to give when I do not think I have anything else to give. I love even when I do not feel loved. To trust innate when I am scared and to live a chiropractic lifestyle.

ADIO Love,
Dr. Elizabeth M. Wisniewski

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