Thursday, January 3, 2013

Living a Genuine Life in 2013

Honestly, I totally struggle with balance in my life and feeling like I am living an authentic life. It goes beyond the discontent I feel when I eat food that is not organic or when I am dehydrated. Both things I clearly understand are bad and induce almost a form of guilt… it is more of a  visceral feeling of am I truly doing everything I can to be the best version of myself? The pattern of hypercriticism which is self imposed is causing serious subluxations in my life.  Recognizing this I am on a quest in 2013 to listen to myself talk. I write and say my affirmations daily and live by the phrase, “fake it, until you make it” This simply is not cutting it anymore! The more I think about it, the more I despise that saying. How about just be as genuine as possible as you seek homeostasis in your life? 

My authentic self wants to set the record straight from a loving  and genuine space. Yesterday, at the Santa Monica farmer’s market, I heard complete misinformation about milk. I am currently working on an extensive article about the benefits of drinking pastured, organic raw milk so I wanted to step in… instead this inner conflict was happening in my brain and I said nothing.  This has to go beyond just telling the story.., it is telling the TRUTH! The truth about chiropractic, health, food, and living an authentic life. It is my responsibility to educate the masses through my blog, ATH, inspire me today, speaking engagements, in daily conversation and most importantly in my practice.

Today, I am the featured luminary on inspire me today and I read my own inspirational essay five times. This is not out of arrogance but more because those are my words and I must own them.  It is part of living an authentic life, radiating love and light to the world.  I then checked all things healing , as I do daily, and realized I had an article published on that page as well today. It is a research article called ‘Healthy Children Have Strong Immune Systems’. After reading both pieces I realized that although these two articles are completely different they represent my authentic self.  First through the education from that nurturing  place of love and then through my knowledge as a Doctor of Chiropractic. Bringing these two worlds together is where I find balance.

My struggle for the right to self determination in my own head and heart space is being realized.  2013 is the year I am going to build a practice and live a genuine life. I have been working my entire life to get to this place and I am so excited to share my love of service, knowledge and inspiration with the world.

Happy 2013! May your year be full of love, life and inspiration. Constantly seek balance and recognize it when it occurs, in order to live a genuine life.

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