Monday, March 31, 2014

Shane of Metacine is Cultivating Vitalism in Santa Barbara

Metaacine is this week’s featured community partner. It is a unique idea founded by Shane Chunephisal.
Genuine Chiropractic first met Shane when he was needing a place to intern for the last 40 hours of his massage school in January 2014 . He is a lively person and truly cares about helping and connecting others.
One of Shane’s main healing modalities are his singing bowls which he uses to do sound healing and through sound baths. You can find him playing these bowls at festivals and around Santa Barbara at places such as Salt Cave Santa Barbara and DiviniTree Yoga studio. During several yoga classes each week, and other healing spaces. In addition to the bowls Shane uses chimes and a special triangle along with beautiful aroma therapy provided by Young Living essential oils and quality incense. The vibrations along with the auditory sound and lovely aroma therapy create a unique experience and allow for deep meditation.
You can find Shane’s contact information, along with the rest of our community partners on www.genuinechiro and click on the community partner tab.
Shane is a gifted and highly qualified massage therapist and sound healer. I highly recommend his services as a way to enhance your overall health. Thank you Shane for truly cultivating Vitalism in Santa Barbara. Genuine Chiropractic appreciates everything you are doing to raise health in our community!


Sunday, March 30, 2014

Your Body is VERY Intelligent!

Your body is SO INTELLIGENT! Do you take time to listen to it? Are you paying attention to your “symptoms” enough to look at them as warning signals from your body instead of something to cover up with a pill, potion or lotion? Checking in every day with your body is so critical to living a long healthy life.
Questions to ask yourself:
1 Did I drink enough water today?
2 Did I eat REAL Food today?
3 What kind of movement did I do today?
4 Do I feel balanced?
5 Am I getting enough QUALITY sleep? These are all important, yet simple questions you really should be
These questions do not take long and can be part of a daily meditation practice.
This afternoon, after attending church this morning, I took a 90 minute yoga class followed by a 90 minute sound healing bath. I feel super fortunate that I am able to take this time for myself and fall deep inside of my own heart space.
Although I took my yoga practice fairly easy today, due to a recent shoulder injury, I was still super sweaty. It cleansed my body and the sound healing bath cleansed my spirit.  Thursday I took a restorative class that combined yoga with sound healing and that was very special. I love my practice because it is a time that I do not have to feel badly for not being able to see. The sound bath is experienced on a vibrational, visceral level along with beautiful auditory stimulation. Shane, the sound healer, uses Young Living essential oils and incense throughout the journey so that adds an extra sensory layer into the mix.
I realize that not every one has the time nor access to yoga / sound healing. A simple meditation practice where you checking with yourself each day though will bring you closer on your journey to health. As a chiropractor, I know that the nervous system is the master system of the body. It controls EVERYTHING! The best thing you can do is to get your nervous system and spine checked regularly by a chiropractor. When there is no interference in the nervous system, you will be able to truly experience modalities such as sound healing. The body will able to pick up sensory information on multiple levels and relay it back to the brain with efficiency and accuracy. This is the beautiful thing about the nervous system: it is never too late to start having it checked and adjusted when necessary!

To make an appointment with Dr. Elizabeth Wisniewski of Genuine Chiropractic in Santa Barbara, CA visit and call 805.285.2712

ADIO Love,
Dr. Elizabeth

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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Align Your Spine

The brain controls every function of your body. The spine can interfere with this control if it isn't in alignment.

Align Your Spine

The brain controls every function of your body. The spine can interfere with this control if it isn't in alignment.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Are You Ready and Willing?

Chiropractic is the second largest healing profession in the US. It uses only the body's own healing powers.

Are You Ready and Willing?

Chiropractic is the second largest healing profession in the US. It uses only the body's own healing powers.

It's All About Attitude

You can alter your life simply by altering your attitude. Change your thoughts, change your life.

It's All About Attitude

You can alter your life simply by altering your attitude. Change your thoughts, change your life.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

It's All About Attitude

You can alter your life simply by altering your attitude. Change your thoughts, change your life.

It's All About Attitude

You can alter your life simply by altering your attitude. Change your thoughts, change your life.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Get Clear. Get on Purpose.

Get clear. Get on purpose. These are two things I am constantly reminding myself to do!
Do you have a personal purpose statement? If so, please share it below in the comment section of this blog.
My personal purpose statement is “To give, love, and serve my community through chiropractic care. To tell the chiropractic story, as well as my own story, as a source of inspiration throughout the world.” For me, this is very powerful, I think about it and meditate on it all of the time. When I make large and small decisions I consult this statement. Am I getting closer to living a life of pure purpose or moving away?  Am I committing to something because I am not good at saying “no” or is this something I truly believe in?
Develop your own statement. Say it, know it, live it, love it, consult it! Writing the statement will help you get clear. Living, breathing, meditating on it each day will allow you to get on purpose.

ADIO Love,
Dr. Elizabeth Wisniewski