Tuesday, March 11, 2014

No gas? Go raw!

What did you give up for Lent? If you have read my previous blog posts cultivatingvitalism.blogspot.comthen you know that I gave up wheat flour. I do not eat a whole lot of it but enough that I felt it would be good to move away from it for 40 days and kick out the little bit of inflammation in my body.
Apparently God had other plans as we are now eating totally raw! Due to crazy circumstances where we had a gas leak and our gas is shut off for the next week the decision was easy to go raw. Fortunately there is a farmers market around town every day but Monday so access to local, organic food is quite easy. Today we loaded up on tons of different lettuces, cabbage, celery, carrots, celery root, fennal, leeks, avocados, and beets. I made a huge salad for dinner with squash I had roasted the day before and homemade salad dressing. It was literally a fatty salad with raw cheese, avocado, raw almonds, and a good amount of local organic EVOO. I also juiced and then for dessert cookie dough. Now, this may seem terrible but actually when you are using things like local pastured eggs, raw butter, coconut flour it is SO GOOD. Dr. J and I are huge advocates of getting healthy fats into the diet so this was a perfect meal for that. Yesterday, before the gas incident, we made beautiful burgers in the iron skillet and wrapped them in cabbage leaves and homemade pickles. There are truly so many great options other than bread and many gluten free things are super processed and extremely inflammatory. Spending extra time to make real sourdough or homemade pickles is total worth the time!
My workouts have been off because of a change in our work schedule and one trainer is leaving and my other trainer is taking over his gym. However, I am starting with a new trainer Thursday and I am looking forward to it! Sunday I took a 90 minute hot yoga class and had lots of movement. Yesterday I took an hour yen yoga class and today I practiced on my own and added in push-ups, squats and some other core exercises.
I hope you are all recommitting to your health each and every day. I hope my journey will inspire you to be your best version of yourself every day!  Remember physical exercise is critical but so is working on your emotional strength. I have theta energy healing, biofeedback, sound healing, massage, acupuncture and meditate on a regular basis. Find modalities that work for you and focus on your emotional strength. Remember regular chiropractic care is VERY important for a properly functioning nervous system which controls every single cell in your body so call you local DC to make an appointment.

To make an appointment with Dr. Elizabeth call 805-285-2712 and visit www.genuinechiro.com for more information.

ADIO Love,
Dr. E
Follow me on Twitter @genuinechiro

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