Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Get Clear. Get on Purpose.

Get clear. Get on purpose. These are two things I am constantly reminding myself to do!
Do you have a personal purpose statement? If so, please share it below in the comment section of this blog.
My personal purpose statement is “To give, love, and serve my community through chiropractic care. To tell the chiropractic story, as well as my own story, as a source of inspiration throughout the world.” For me, this is very powerful, I think about it and meditate on it all of the time. When I make large and small decisions I consult this statement. Am I getting closer to living a life of pure purpose or moving away?  Am I committing to something because I am not good at saying “no” or is this something I truly believe in?
Develop your own statement. Say it, know it, live it, love it, consult it! Writing the statement will help you get clear. Living, breathing, meditating on it each day will allow you to get on purpose.

ADIO Love,
Dr. Elizabeth Wisniewski

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