Friday, March 7, 2014

Exercise - Lent update

Exercise Update-date

This week I have been totally slacking! I have trained twice and did yoga three times – one class, one private session, and once on my own. Although this is more than most people it isa lot less movement then my body is accustomed to!
Recently Dr. Joseph Mercola has had some great articles on foam rolling and body weight exercises found at I highly encourage you to visit his webpage! A regular foam rolling routine is a huge part of keeping your body active and moving.  Foam rolling should be part of your warm-up and post workout stretching routines.
There are so many body weight exercises like squats and proper pushups that can be performed easily at home. If you are motivated enough to work out on your own I advise to at least get a consultation with a personal trainer and workout with them a few times. This will teach you the basics of proper form for simple exercises like squats. Learning how to hinge from the hip is critical for so many exercises but because of modern society so many people are spending all day sitting.  The seated position leads to many problems like weight gain, upper cross syndrome, tight shoulders, and overall poor health. Because of our environments’ and lifestyle choices we have lost simple primal movements like how to squat. A trainer can help you with these movements so at least if you are working out on your own, you are being safe.
Genuine Chiropractic works with several personal trainers, they can be found on our community partners tab found on our webpage
To make an appointment with Dr. Elizabeth Wisniewski please call 805-285-2712

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