Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Learning More with Closed Eyes

Monday nights I participate in a goddess yoga circle at DiviniTree www.SB.Divinitree.com located at 25 E. De La Guerra. It is a beautiful, small class for women located in their Moon Room. It is a yen style of practice focused on the heart space and at the end if you are inspired to share with the group there is a safe and sacred place for that to occur.
As I creep toward the age of 30 I have become more comfortable in my own skin. This allows me to share and be vulnerable with this group of women, some of whom I am close with and others I am just getting to know. Strength and courage are found with this vulnerability and it is truly creating a link to the past in which women were the gatherers. Women love to be social, women love to share their feelings and this has become a safe place to do this in Santa Barbara. My personal yoga teacher Amanda Hamilton set a beautiful intention when starting this class and in recent weeks is really starting to take hold. Bonds are forming and raw vulnerability is moving from one woman to another through universal intelligence. One of the most inspiring things is that so many of the women in the class are able to tap into this universal intelligence with a spirit of gratitude. Everyone is learning from one another and giving them time to speak while the rest of the group listens from their heart space.
Last night was very powerful for me personally. During my practice I realized I always practice yoga with my eyes closed. Similarly I always adjust patients with my eyes close. Now, I can barely see anything these days but somehow the action of closing my eyes still pulls me in deeper allowing me to hold my innate intelligence. It is in the moments that I am cradling this intelligence, whispering to it, giving thanks to it, that I forget that I have lost my sight. I no longer mind that I cannot see because I am so deep and fully expressing my potential. I feel the life force flowing through every cell of my being and my heart smiles as it vibration increases. When we have sight through our heart all the bad melts away and that is where true connection occurs. That is when we as close to perfect as we will ever be. We can walk around with open heart spaces and invite those in that we choose. When that invitation is sent in the universe compassion is planted and will blossom.
This blog is my invitation to you. This is where my heart is exposed but I have no fear. I invite you to go out into the world with an open heart and plant the seeds of compassion. I invite you to join a goddess like circle and start connecting on a deeper, more vibrational level. Women are met to gather, come together and share. Embrace your inner goddess and see how your world changes.

ADIO Love,
Dr. Elizabeth
Follow me on Twitter @genuinechiro

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