Thursday, March 13, 2014

Health Is A Process, NOT An Event!

Committing and recommitting to your health every day is necessary to stay on track for leading a healthy lifestyle.
What did you do today to commit or recommit to your health? Did you go for a walk or run? Did you strength train? Did you take a yoga class? Did you go to a farmer’s market? Did you cook a homemade organic meal? There are so many ways that you can take steps toward a healthy lifestyle, just pick one each day and you will be on your way!
Today, after serving patients at Genuine Chiropractic, I worked out with a new personal trainer. I have been working with 3 different trainers, now four, since last July. It was a beautiful California day so we trained outside at the bird refuge. Since it was the first time he was working with me we did lots of mobility, balance, and core work. It definitely was nice to work one-on-one with someone since I have been doing mostly group training 3 – 4 times a week. Being outside in the sun knowing my body is producing Vitamin D was lovely and made the work out even better!
I have been going through a HUGE physical, emotional, and spiritual transformation lately. I am feeling stronger each day and there are many components to this process. I have tremendous gratitude that I live in an area and have met so many people that I am able to manifest and facilitate these opportunities. Each modality is transformational on its own but combining them together has been so powerful. This includes: massage, acupuncture, yoga, meditation, working out, sound healing, essential oils, theta healing, prayer/ going to church, and of course chiropractic!
I feel like I am waking upend slowly emerging from my protective cocoon. Finding so much strength through vulnerability, telling my story from an open heart space. This has been an emotional journey however something has shifted inside of me.
The reason I am so committed to my own health is so that I can be a positive role model in the community. YOUR DOCTOR SHOULD BE THE HEALTHIEST PERSON YOU KNOW, RIGHT?I am role modeling the 100 year lifestyle, I am role modeling how to live a life of purpose, I am role modeling that it is okay to have a disability.
I am here to serve you. Please comment below on this blog so that we can start a conversation that truly supports and inspires the world.

ADIO Love,
Dr. Elizabeth Wisniewski

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