Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Giving Up to Gain Health

As a Catholic, Lent is a time for me to give something up. Society dictates giving things up like candy or pop (yes, I am from the Midwest).These are rather silly things to me, but our society is SO SICK that I am trying to judge these “sacrifices” a bit less! In accordance with societal norms I am giving up flour. I do not eat much bread or processed foods to begin with but I want the next 40 days to be a recommitment to my health journey. This is a small thing I am giving up but the bigger picture is a focus on my overall health.
As a doctor, I feel it is my responsibility to be healthy and a role model in my community. This is why I work out with several trainers 3 -4 days a week and practice yoga several days a week. Since recommitting to my workouts last July I am the strongest physically I have ever been in my life. It goes beyond being able to deadlift 155lbs with ease or hold a shoulder stand. It is the intention of being a good role model and loving myself enough to take time to move.
Part of this recommitment to myself the next 40 days is writing mini blog posts about my workout routines or amazing organic food I ate that day. This is to serve as an inspiration. I invite you to go on this journey with me. Aim here to serve so call upon me.
Examples of workouts from this week
Monday – 1 hour group training. We focused on upper and lower body push / pull. There was also some core with timed planks and partner side planks with a band so that you are adding an extra rowing component. There was also a great focus on the lateral rotators of the hip with lateral band walks and then clam shells with bands.
Also on Monday I took an hour yen yoga class that had a little bit of a fire element in it.

Today – I went to the beach with my private yoga instructor for an hour. It was windy and a bit chilly so we cultivated some warming oceanic breathing and moved through a nice  progression that ended with some deep back bends.

The last part of this journey the next 40 days is gratitude. This is something we take for granted and that I need to call attention to… not only for being a good role model but for myself.
I am grateful that I can go to the beach and do yoga with my good friend Amanda. I am grateful that I had a lovely Theta energy healing session from my friend Michele. There are so many beautiful healing examples, so most of all I am grateful for this community that has been created and continues to grow. Over a year ago the seed was planted in meeting after meeting and now the flowers are out and dancing in the sun together. In a way it is that whimsical to me because I came to this town less than a year and a half ago knowing nobody. Now, this community exists and the culture in our office is one of collaboration and togetherness.
So, come on this journey with me. Recommit to yourself, to your health, to your community. This is not a challenge, it is an encouragement and invitation. Join me 805-285-2712 or visit www.genuinechiro.com

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