Friday, March 21, 2014

Journey To Theta Healing & Beyond

What is the cause? This is an important question that is often denied, swept under the rug and ignored. What is the cause of your dis-ease, disease, pain, sadness, lack of sleep or anger? Stop and ask yourself this, tune into the vibration of your heart space and drop in that space and spend some valuable time there. Simply ignoring these problems, symptoms/ whatever they are will lead you down an unhappy path.
In chiropractic we have a concept of “one cause, one cure”. If you have visited our webpage or read previous blog posts then you know that when you have interference in the nervous system due to a spinal subluxation you will express less than optimal health. Subluxation left over time quickly degenerate through dysfunction, dis-ease, disease, and eventually cell death or simply put death. In chiropractic we like to work with people before any of these states set in however we take care of people who are in crisis. They may be in the early stages of dysfunction, experiencing some dis-ease, or in a serious disease state. Western medicine usually intervenes later on somewhere between disease and death. Emergency care in this model is great but prevention and overall wellness has been rather lacking.
My personal journey has been intense, beautiful, and full of twists and turns. I get adjusted regularly and this allows my nervous system to flow with great ease. I know that I am able to experience my world in the best way possible. I understand that my body is primed for my workouts, yoga class, and to receive other healing modalities. This all would NOT be possible if I were not under excellent chiropractic care.
This week has been full of new healing experiences and I am extremely grateful for all the opportunities! I wrote a blog earlier this week about the awesome sound bath I receive. Yesterday I made another HUGE leap in my journey and I want to share this experience with all of my readers.
I have been receiving fairly regular Theta healing over the past 14 months and yesterday  had a whole new experience by getting a session from my Theta healer’s mentor and own Theta healer. Linda has been in practice for many years and actually teaches certification courses for this technique. I spent an hour and a half with her and by the end I felt clear, I felt focused, and I was walking in the clouds!
Theta works on four levels and through God’s devein guidance and help, helped me clear many of my old belief systems and instill new programs into all of my cells. Over the past year or so I know I have grown increasingly open minded and intrigued by energy work and this was taking it to a new level. Linda used muscle testing to check and recheck my belief systems. I have had a lot of negative beliefs around losing my sight and going through 30 surgeries. I realized during the session there was no way I would have open to this sort of healing even a month ago as I had to do many other forms of healing to get to this point. I believe that sound baths, acupuncture, massage / body work, bio feedback are all extremely valuable. Tapping into your resources available in your community is critical to moving forward on your own healing journey. Your body be more open and able to receive these modalities when your nervous system is functioning on an optimal level so get adjusted!
I believe yesterday I made a huge leap forward on my journey through Theta healing and I am excited to move forward leaving old negative thought patterns in the dust. I also worked out with one of my trainers and had body work yesterday so it was fantastic. Even better I saw patients and went to a NAWBO mixer in the evening so it was a well-rounded amazing day!

Have you had any experience with Theta healing or other energy healing techniques? Please leave your comments, questions, suggestions below on this blog. Follow me here and on Twitter @genuinechiro

ADIO love,
Dr. Elizabeth Wisniewski

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